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View Full Version : Sudden, Sharp Stomach Pain!

17-08-15, 11:24
About twenty minutes ago I was sitting at my laptop when i felt a sharp, sudden pain on the left side of my stomach. Kinda felt like someone hit me, and was sudden enough to make me gasp. It lingered for a few seconds, faded away, and then I got hit by another one. This happened one more time and then faded altogether. I thought it was over, until fifteen minutes later I got hit again.

This has come out of nowhere, and seems to be just on one side, so I'm really worried. The only things that aren't making me panic worse is that it's my left, not my right, and my stomach isn't bloated or tender or hard t touch or anything of the sort. This spot just hurts.

If it means anything, there's a gurgling/churning in my lower abdomen, but it's barely there? This pain started after I took a sip of coffee, not sure if it's related or if I just have good timing. Really hope it's not serious!!

18-08-15, 12:08
Sorry to bump the topic, but the pain faded away for the most part...but then hit again in my lower abdomen. It feels like there's some pressure or something on my left side, and the lower abdomen pain (near my crotch area) just hit me out of nowhere and faded just as fast. Now there's dull but annoying pain shifting between my left, right and pelvic areas.

Argh, what's even going on? I keep thinking it's not serious because it's not excruciating, but this is really bothering me. It's been two days, and my period isn't for another two weeks!
And sometimes my back hurts a little too but that could just be my sitting position and I'm overthinking but
God I'm so worried.

18-08-15, 14:55
Hi. It sounds to me as though it could be something to do with trapped wind travelling round the intestines/colon. I've suffered with this before and the pain takes your breath away. When it hit by left upper side, I even felt it in the shoulder area. If it's now lowering down your body, I'm sure that's what it could be. Hope it goes away soon, I'm sure it will. ☺️