View Full Version : Feel like I'll never feel 'normal' again

natalie yog
17-08-15, 11:54
May trigger

This latest HA obsession is destroying me. I have a clicking noise the goes around my skull (not just the base), my eyes is twitching and also painful too and I'm getting the odd head pain that comes and goes. The clicking noise is the real thing that's bothering me because a woman said she heard a clicking in her head then she had an aneurysm which she later survived but I'm terrified. I can't eat, can't sleep, I can't enjoy anything in my life right now and it makes me hate myself. I told my mum and she said you can't believe all medical stories that you read on blogs and that the optician who I had a check up from 4 weeks ago would've noticed if there was anything the matter since my eyes would've shown any abnormality. I just feel so fed up with this and I'm still waiting for a call back to find out a date for my first counselling session. I really feel like I have no hope left.

17-08-15, 12:35
Have you ever had tension headaches some times I get this and was told by doc it was a tension headache

natalie yog
17-08-15, 14:03
I've had tension headaches in the past but these pains feel strange like they'll pop out of nowhere then vanish every so often. Does anyone think that if you read symptoms that your anxiety can suddenly create them ?

17-08-15, 14:18
I follow your posts because im sure were having he same worry. im like you at the moment. cant sleep, no interest in anything. I have been having weird sensations in other places that are making me panic and I cant think about anything else. you have been to the doctor haven't you? I went but its that stupid trust thing again. what a life we lead. I don't want to feel like this everyday. message me if you need a chat.

17-08-15, 15:22
Hi ! I'm having the same worry as you, I think I'm about to have a stroke and even imagine I've had TIAs a few times...
I have clicking in my head, weird headaches that come and go with neck pain and feeling crap in general... I really feel like there's no end to this. I can't even properly talk to my GP because I don't want to tell him how much I googled and how I found out about these very rare diseases I'm afraid of.
In the end, I can't believe my GP and nobody will send me to the hospital for further tests...

Just like you I won't sleep, I can't enjoy even the silliest comedy shows and can't concentrate on anything.

I really hope we can find a way out of this very soon !

natalie yog
17-08-15, 15:39
Hi inha I've had health anxiety for years but for some reason this year has been really hard. Rigt now I feel like I want to scream. My Dr is going on holiday so of course me thinking about myself I'm terrified I won't be around when my appointment (that's in september) comes. My family are so laidback and nothing bothers them so when I tell them my fears they just laugh it off thinking I'm overacting again. But all of this is so real to me.

natalie yog
18-08-15, 07:21
At first when I woke up this morning everything felt fine until I got up and I felt like I was walking lopsided so of course this raises my anxiety again.