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View Full Version : Dwelling on thoughts - vicious cycle - Arghhh

17-08-15, 13:20
My brain wont switch off.

I get anxiety regarding travel and being away from home (among others). Its the thought of being trapped I think, whether in a lift, car, traffic jam, building or wide open space (i.e. brake down in middle of nowhere and being trapped).

My works involves travel and I like my job.

The thought of travelling is worse than the actual anxiety I suffer whilst travelling (I'm ok sometimes then it just hits), I'm usual ok when I get to my destination, and ok coming back. Its just getting there in the first instance that seems to be the issue.

For days before I travel I worry, I cant seem to let these thoughts pass me by, I know I need to focus on the "here and now" but its so difficult.

I know I've got a good 6 hour trip ahead of me in approx. 3 weeks, and its playing on my mind...

Any advise is welcomed. I feel like I'm going mad over analysing things.

18-08-15, 09:53
Im the same rob. Not regarding travelling etc but just worrying about stuff coming up for no valid reason by default.

The imagined thing is not like the reality though so make sure you continue to do what you have to do and work at seeing it in more helpful ways in the moment. After pushing through so often hopefully your worry about the situations can eventually lower.

I find I still worry though :)
I love my days work but I still worry about it for absolutely no reason.
For me it's bumping into people and too much social interaction etc. but it's always ok when it happens.

Just continue to feel the fear and do it anyway. It's corny but that line has helped me from the very start. It says it all.

20-08-15, 00:27
I've had exactly this problem myself. It's has had me getting off a plane and not going on holiday, not because I was afraid of the plane crashing, but because I was afraid of being locked in. I totally understand what you are saying about being trapped in a wide open space, I feel the same! I have a little chalet by the sea, this place is my haven, but I feel like I don't want to go, it's the same as home to me, but I will feel anxious until I get there, sometimes I've felt anxious once I am there. BUT this has diminished over the years and I will not let it stop me going, if I stop going it will be game over and I cannot live my life by not living, not going to the places I love and being a prisoner in my own home. It's not an option to let it stop you. You say it perfectly, feel the fear and do it anyway, keep doing it and eventually it will lose it's power.

20-08-15, 16:20
Thanks Reggie,

I know it will get easier, but when your mid way through something you cant always see the end result.

I'm pleased its not just me who has these feelings, I thought I was going mad. people cant understand how I feel trapped in a wide open space....

I get it particularly bad driving across the Scottish borders, im not, but I feel trapped up there and the sky seems massive and all consuming. Its a really odd feeling and situation.