View Full Version : how to deal with permanent exhaustion?

17-08-15, 16:27
Hi everyone,

I suffer with permanent exhaustion and have done for as long as I can remember. Medical tests have never revealed anything that could be causing it, eg anaemia, so I'm just left to think it could be a result of my ongoing anxiety/HA. I am literally shattered from the moment I wake up to the second I go to bed. My energy levels are permanently on zero, and I battle against falling asleep all day at work. It is having a really debilitating effect on my life as I can't function or focus on anything properly without thinking ' I REALLY need to try and get to bed early tonight' even though I know I've had enough sleep!

Does anyone know any helpful ways to deal with tiredness? Any non medical remedies, or activities or anything I can do/take that might help me feel a bit more alert. I drink gallons of water and get a reasonable amount of sleep so I don't know what else I can do! It's starting to become embarrassing as people think they're boring me immensely or that I'm just plain rude when I sit there yawning!!

Would appreciate any advise or anyone that struggles with constant tiredness as well, many thanks x

22-08-15, 00:36
I deal with constant tiredness, but mine is due to sleep apnea.

Have you checked everything? Even for sleep apnea?

Sometimes I need coffee to get through the day, even though it makes me anxious.

22-08-15, 07:01
What is your diet like? That can affect our energy a lot. Plus gentle exercise will give you more energy rather than making you more tired.
Have a look at Magnesium supplements as well.