View Full Version : Who knows?

06-02-07, 21:03
Who have you told about your health anxiety? My husband and mum know a bit of what I go through, but I hide it from everyone else.
In fact I think most people I know would be shocked if they knew what went on inside my head.
I don't know why I don't tell anyone; I guess its embarrassment, I had a difficult childhood (guess it's where all this started) and now I don't want to come across as weak.
I think most people who meet me think I'm really strong and confident (ha!)
So who knows about you?

06-02-07, 23:41
A lot of people do now but only after 6 years of suffering. When is the right time to tell them or how do you think they will understand.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

"Life is a distance and to travel that distance you were given the strength and guidance to do so".

07-02-07, 00:55
I just tell people I'm "mentally ill" and to keep an eye on me.
Funny thing is they just laugh and think I'm joking.
I should point out that I appear "normal" on the outside so their reaction is prolly understandable.

Don't believe everything you think.

07-02-07, 10:47
My brother knows because he also has health anxiety. I have told my sister and one friend but they both think I'm "being silly". Should have kept it to myself.

They say if you get something there's nothing you can do about it so why worry. Strange attitude if you ask me.

I dont tell anyone else because on the face of it I appear quite normal and people would be shocked if they knew what goes through my mind.


07-02-07, 13:08
Yeah I have to agree.

My partner knows how badly it affects me but is still learning how to deal with me when I get full blown panic attacks - sometimes he's great, other times he loses his patience.
My mum tells me to 'pull myself together' all the time- which is shocking, really considering she suffers herself and I've been there for her 100 %. i haven't spoken to her for 2 months now anyway.
My closest friend doesn't know the full extent - I just make comments like 'you know what I'm like'.

It's pretty lonely out here.

20-02-07, 22:24
Hi there

My husband and a friend know that I have health anxiety, however I don't think they know the true extent.

We watched the programme on C4 last night - "Hypochondriac - I told you I was ill" and I think my husband has begun to realise just how bad it really is.

k xx

21-02-07, 07:49

My wife knows as I have had it for 6 years, my parents know and a select few close friends.


21-02-07, 07:54

Just my husband and doctor know UNTIL the C4 programme, now the whole world knows!!!!

sarah x

21-02-07, 14:56
I answered 'anyone who'll listen' !! I'm sort of out and proud insofar as I think the more people that are able to talk openly about their illness, the less stigma is attached. I also try not to bang on about it too often as people can get a bit ticked off but it's a comfort to know that if I do act a little strangely then people can figure out why and it doesn't come as a shock that I've bolted out of a room or something.

Kay x

21-02-07, 23:03
Hey there,

I answered 'anyone who will listen' however although I do mention it at work etc I think I really do play it down in front of people so really although I talk about it I dont really talk the truth...apart from hubby x

21-02-07, 23:43

i answered 'anyone who will listen'...... a problem shared is a problem halved and i'm not known for being 'shy'

anx x

22-02-07, 02:07
ditto vicki, anyone that will listen...................altho i dont go out so thats ova the net really...i dont hide it.....but mainly family n close friends know..x

22-02-07, 10:06
I found this hard to answer actually, so I haven't voted!

About a year ago, when I felt so hopeless, I told close friends, my husband, my sister and eventually my mum how I feel. As times gone on, I've had good days and bad days. Now I feel I can't tell anyone when I'm having a bad day, as they'll get fed up with me going on, so everyone thinks I'm ok - which in turn makes it even harder to tell anyone!

I sometimes wish I could tell them that I'm not "cured"; however lately my husband has been completely unsympathetic and it's causing lots of problems between us because he thinks I should be over this by now and isn't prepared to consider how I feel at all.

So my answer is, I'd love to be able to say "anyone who'll listen" but at the moment it's "no one" - other than you guys!

22-02-07, 10:47

I was bullied terribly as a child, noone except the other kids at school ever knew about the bullying, so at school I imagine that I was either hated or felt sorry for, I was always ashamed and hated the thought of being felt sorry for.
I would never let anyone bully me now, but part of me thinks that if I became ill, I would be under the control of someone else and be pitied, which I would hate, which is where I guess the HA has stemmed from????
So I don't tell anyone, my partner knows a little of what I go through, but when a person has never experienced anxiety, I really don't think they can ever fully understand.

Birdi xxx

22-02-07, 11:34
Just reading this and i just need to say my boss at work dose not give a sxxt i have to tell him when i have appointments with my theripist for my C.B.T course.

I try to tell him about it but he carn't be bothered to listen he say to me you are deppressing me when you tell me your problem's and he just walks away from me but he like to talk about things that he has on his mind and want you me to listen to him.

He is my boss but i feel like telling him that he is an arxxxxle.
Ant addvice would be great please.


22-02-07, 14:30
i had to answer partner and parents because my friends dont have a clue tbh even close ones. i always play it down as much as possible for my partner and parents so most of the time they don't even realise i'm bad. this isn't because they wouldn't be there for me but because i tend to snap out of it quicker if other people dont know, for me talking about it fuels my HA and i become dependant on people very quickly to keep saying i'm ok