View Full Version : I googled again and now I am more worried than I have ever been!

17-08-15, 19:16

I am in a very big panic right now. I have stated before that I have a lump behind my jaw that is very hard and doesn't move. I am having my Ultrasound on this on Monday, I was talking to my auntie about this yesterday as she came round and she said do I think its a Osteoma attached to my jaw as her friend has had one. I said I don't know as I didn't have a clue what it was, but silly me decided to google it it fits what I have and it is suppose to be nothing and can be removed with no problem. I was happy but I carried on reading the article and then my heart began to pound, Osteoma's are liked with something called Gardener's Syndrome.

Now I am worried I mean really worried I have Gardener's Syndrome as I have something that might be a Osteoma and what I have been told is IBS but these two things fit in to Gardener's Syndrome perfectly.

I am 21 year old male and I am ashamed that I googled and ashamed to say that I cried when I read this. I don't know what to do ever since I have been waiting for my Ultrasound my mind hasn't been right its been all over the place and I am terrified.


18-08-15, 03:04
I can see reading you how worried you are! Don't be ashamed of googling, I do it all the time, many on here do even though we know it's going to trigger us and make everything worse.

The good thing is, you're getting this ultrasound! I know how hard it is, I've diagnosed myself with a very rare thing and I can't even get the proper tests, so my mind runs wild.
The wait is really upsetting and I tend to even doubt doctors will see all the wrong in me, so the prospect of this ultrasound might not even lift your fear.
When I was waiting for my echocardiogram, I repeated to myself I preferred to know I had a heart defect so as to be able to control it and monitor it...

This syndrome you're afraid of is rare and for all it's worth, reading the symptoms just now, I feel like I could have it too!

Have you ever tried mindfulness? It sounds ineffective but sometimes, applying myself to it does help. Also, I'll link you this self-help health anxiety website I found really nice to read : it helped me diagnose myself with health anxiety instead of some terrible disease.

I hope you can feel better soon !

18-08-15, 08:53
Hello and thank you for the reply,

I try not to Google as you have said it makes everything so much worse then it was (even though it was bad before

The wait is the reason I have gotten so bad, the Doctor is only sending me for the Ultrasound to help me with the Panic of the lumps/bump. My Dentist and my Doctor have both said it feels like nothing serious/bad yet I keep feeling it and messing. I worry it could be a Osteoma as its not a Lymph Node as it is attached to something and does not move.

I know that GS is rare especially since I am sure it is mostly genetic and as no one in my family has had it (everyone has lived to around 75-80 only one dying of cancer) I am just worrying that I have just been unlucky enough and have been born with it which I have read can happen.

I wish that I never Googled and I didn't know about GS as was better and was just worried about the Ultrasound and trusting the fact that my Doctor and Dentist were right now I am not so sure.

Sorry if reading about it has made you worry you to have it.

I will have a look at the link you have said as I am willing to try anything if it will help me get through the next week of wait.


18-08-15, 11:37
I completely understand what you're feeling, like I said, I'm thinking almost the same for another condition!

You say you feel a lump that won't move, and I can tell you that I too have lumps in my jaw (especially one that feels bigger), which I can't "move around", I've never been able to, but my GP has looked several times and he says it's all clear. I think I just don't know how to determine if it's moving or not. My GP would totally have sent me for an ultrasound if I had been really panicked about it, too.

I had a breast cancer scare and same thing, the lump I found wouldn't move... it's still there and it's not cancer, clearly!

You most definitely don't have this super-rare syndrome, especially seeing as no one has had cancer in your family ! I'm not worried about it either after reading about it so don't worry :)

18-08-15, 12:33

Yeah the lump doesn't move at all I could push on it and mess with it and it will never move it feels odd like the bottom is kind of fleshy and it wobbles a little from side to side if you mess with it. My GP and Dentist have looked at it and felt the area and have both said the same thing that they can't feel anything to worry about.

I hope you are right, I know the chances are minimal but for some reason I can't shake the thought that I am unlucky enough to have it especially since have have IBS.
