View Full Version : Can You Have?

06-02-07, 21:49
Can You Have A Heart Attach From Being Over Stressed i am asking cause i was arguing with my fiance and i yelled at just as i did that it felt like i got punched in the chest it scared the hell out of me i have been to the doc but that was about 3 months ago. I was told that i was ok i took a stress test and that was good from what i was told buy the doc. but ever since i yelled at my fiance i have been wigging out and getting palps and anxiety for about three days now i jsut with i knew if i was ok or not I Am really scared of something happening. I dont know what to do i ahve no insurance and no job i feel doomed if something was to happen. Help Please


Patience is a Virtue!
Remember good things come to those who wait for them!

06-02-07, 23:31
Hi James

Firstly welcome mate and you are not about to have a heart attack. Anxiety is horrible and makes us so unrational that we believe anything that comes in to our heads. Worst senarios aswell. So please dont worry, it adrenalin pumping round your body and anxiety suffers all suffer but have different thoughts that they believe in whether health, losing control ect. You are not alone and we understand so dont go it alone.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

"Life is a distance and to travel that distance you were given the strength and guidance to do so".

07-02-07, 05:10
Hi James, no you're not about to have a heart attack, I've had that too with sudden stress, it's just the adrenilin getting you ready to run. An episode like that can start off months of anxiety.