View Full Version : Hi from USA!

18-08-15, 01:49
Hi everyone,

I'm 29 year old female from northern California. I've decided to join this forum because I think it will help to talk to others who are going through the same things that I am struggling with.

I've had anxiety in many different forms on and off my whole life. I had mild OCD as a child, obsessive thoughts, phobias etc...over the past 10 years, I've basically had generalized anxiety with some depression thrown in. But over the last couple years, life has thrown some challenges my way, and I think being close to 30, and not feeling like I have my life together has made my anxiety return in full form.

Over the last year I've struggled with increased anxiety/panic attacks. I've kept struggling through them, feeling better for a while, then relapsing again. It's been exhausting and I just feel depressed and so tired of feeling this way.

I've been seeing a counselor once a week, have been on Zoloft for almost 5 weeks (with mixed results), and am trying to meditate/exercise as much as I can.

I just feel tired and kind of hopeless at times. It takes so much energy to keep fighting this, and I just want to feel better already!

Anyway, I'm overall a positive person, and I'm trying to maintain a good attitude, but it's just really hard right now.

Well, thanks for reading this, I'm looking forward to exploring the forums here pretty soon.

18-08-15, 01:55
Hiya Genoire and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

18-08-15, 12:10
hi Genoire

I can relate to what you're saying, it's hard trying to maintain a god attitude and be happy in the face of anxiety. I suffer with depression and anxiety too (along with a few other mental health problems) and feel tired and exhausted and vulnerable trying to keep on top of everything. Its so tough sometimes!

anyway welcome to the forum I hope you find it as supportive and helpful as I have.

19-08-15, 03:31
Thanks for sharing your story, Genoire, and welcome! I'm on here because I'm tired of feeling this way, too. And I'm tired of feeling like I'm all alone in this. I'm glad you're here, and I hope you find something good here! I'm sending lots of good vibes your way!

19-08-15, 04:14
Hi Genoire,

Like you, I have had anxiety in some form or other for much of my life. I think some people, through heredity or upbringing or a mix of both do have the anxiety thermostat set at the wrong level.

But it is possible to get the upper hand, and control it, go into remission as it were and live life happily and normally. For me, it's been a mix of meds and counselling over the years. If you don't feel the Zoloft is working (it may need some more time), there are different options that can be tried.

You say you are about to turn 30. Milestones like this are frequently times when we assess ourselves. I think most people fall way short of all those goals and dreams they had when they were younger, but don't beat up on yourself - it's completely normal.

19-08-15, 17:08
thanks for your sharing, i logged in bcos feeling real bad at the moment.I m 59 on saturay,my husband died last year and he really understood me

19-08-15, 17:17
Hi Genoire and welcome
There was something that stood out to me in your post "it takes so much energy to keep fighting this". When we stop fighting it and accept it is when it gets better. Have you ever read Claire Weekes? She explains this...

19-08-15, 18:53
Hi Genoire

welcome, from one newbie to another.

I hope you find what you need here.

Greg :)

19-08-15, 23:35
Thanks for all the support, everyone! It really means a lot. You guys are awesome 😊

20-08-15, 01:06
Welcome from the other side of the USA! (New England)

20-08-15, 03:31
Hey there, I'm from Northern California too:) I totally understand about feeling hopeless when your dealing with anxiety constantly!!! It's hard to live a normal and life with all the symptoms we have to deal with on the daily!!! So frustrating! I hope your medicine starts to work soon!!!! I'm still waiting for mine to kick in!!