View Full Version : Should I be worried? Changes to my heart.

18-08-15, 10:37
Hello. I've recently noticed changes to my heart which I'm not sure I should be worried about. Roughly 2 years ago I suffered with panic attacks quite frequently over a couple of months then nothing for a year or so then the odd random panic attack. I couldn't find a reason for me having them I seemed healthy and happy. However I saw a few different doctors numerous times after noticing my heart races and had quite bad palpitations and the feeling of my chest closing in. One doctor thought I had a hole in the heart. I didn't. Another doctor said I had too much energy and needed to excersice regularly. Another doctor said it was a valve prolapse. I had many ecgs, chest X-rays, heart scans. Couldn't see any problems apart from a heart murmur which I'm told is common and nothing to worry about. I then saw a specialist who said I have a slight arrhythmia which isn't anything towprry about either. So after a year I have just dealt with the palpitations and don't worry about them anymore until the last 2 months or so I have noticed a 'rumbling' sound which feels like it's in my heart. It's exactly like a stomach rumble (from feeling hungry) but much higher up. It happens almost every minute of the day one day. Then the next day it will happen twice in the day. It's doesn't cause any pain. It doesn't make me feel weak or panicked like palpitations have done in the past. Does anyone else suffer from this? It's also quite loud. It's very different f I'm palpitations so I know it can't be that? Any help would be much appreciated.

19-08-15, 17:38
I've experienced this same thing. As you say, it's like a "stomach rumble," but higher and kind of off to the left? I have no idea what this is. I'm assuming it is some sort of palpitation. I am meeting with a cardiologist tomorrow regarding other issues, but I'll see if I get the chance to mention this.