View Full Version : A question I really need to ask

natalie yog
18-08-15, 11:20
5 weeks I've had my eyes tested by an optician who diagnosed someone with a tumour in the past and my Dr has constantly reassured me that I do not have a tumour/aneurysm but nothing makes me rest. But I was wondering withinn the 5 weeks of having my eyes tested could a tumour or aneurysm have grown in that amount of time ?
My Dr is currently on holiday so I'm feeling extra anxious.

18-08-15, 11:43
I'm afraid that your doctor hasn't done you any favours by being available to constantly reassure you. You know what the answer to your question is but you've got to believe it without asking others for reassurance.
I know it's hard but it's the only way forward with HA.

18-08-15, 12:15
You need to start trusting in what people tell you. A friend of mine was recently diagnosed with a tumour through an eye test and believe me they know what to look out for. There's no maybes or doubts about it. If they didn't find anything then believe me there is nothing to worry about. You need to address your anxieties & find a way forward. I don't mean to sound harsh because I've been where you are and it isn't always easy... if at all. Rest assured that I had very similar anxieties to you and I live to tell the tale!! Big hugs. xx

18-08-15, 12:15
What is it that you want to hear? You don't have a tumour? A tumour could not possibly have grown in 5 weeks?

The truth is that none of us know. Not even your optician or doctor know for sure. They aren't psychic and they don't have xray vision. Doctors work on probability a lot of the time. That is, you go to the doctor with a sore thoat and the doctor looks at your throat and sees it is a bit red. He or she thinks the most probable reason is a viral infection. The doctor doesn't think "hmmm it might be a virus or it might be throat cancer". He or she doesn't even think about throat cancer because it isn't probable. Yes it's possible (highly unlikely) but possible nonetheless. But the doctor treats it as a virus because that is the most probable reason you have a sore throat. If the sore throat continues for a long time and other symptoms arise then the doctor might start to suspect it isn't a virus. But even then he or she is a long way from thinking it is throat cancer because it could be many other things. So the doctor will investigate further. My doctor told me all that. I hope it makes sense.

natalie yog
18-08-15, 12:41
I'm just so fed up with myself. My constant dizziness is back along with eye twitching and a left sided head pain that comes and goes. I actually feel like I hate myself and nothing will ever be the same again. I'm still waiting for a date to see the counsellor and now I'm even thinking that won't help nothing will.

18-08-15, 12:46
When fellow sufferers on an internet forum start telling you to seek help, it's something to really pay attention to. When reassurance does nothing to quell your fears and doubts (it never does anyway), it's time to seek help.

I hope you heed the advice.

Positive thoughts

18-08-15, 12:50
The counselling will help. Your problem is the way you think. The psych will teach you how to change the way you think. You may never get over your anxieties completely but through counselling you will be given the tools to deal with it. Don't let it get you down. Everything you have had I have had.

18-08-15, 12:56
I'm just so fed up with myself. My constant dizziness is back along with eye twitching and a left sided head pain that comes and goes. I actually feel like I hate myself and nothing will ever be the same again. I'm still waiting for a date to see the counsellor and now I'm even thinking that won't help nothing will.

Please remember it will get better. Your symptoms are classic anxiety symptoms. Have you had any therapy e.g. CBT, counselling? You're going to be fine, just remember that doctors aren't any old person - they've studied years and gained extremely valuable experience in how to spot malignancies or dangerous diseases. Of course they're not perfect but they know what they're looking for much much more than the average person does. Sometimes with HA, we sort of consider ourselves the centre of everything and we think we know exactly what's going on. Truth is, we don't. The doctor knows his/her stuff. Trust is essential..

natalie yog
18-08-15, 13:24
I know what you all say is true and thank you for taking the time to reply. I just hate it that for about a week I was starting to feel like my old self but then my body decides no I'm going to make you think it's all going to end any minute. I just feel like such a waste of space.

18-08-15, 16:33
Aw Natalie. Sending hugs. I had identical symptoms to you and I know how you feel but you WILL get through it. I would feel better for a few days then BOOM... back with a smack in the face. All I can advise is just go with it. Accept that you're having a rubbish few days but it will be ok in another few days & you can & will feel your old self again. I had weeks/months of going through these stages until little by little both physically & mentally I was on the mend. xx

natalie yog
18-08-15, 17:36
Thank you meche. That really gives me some hope and comfort.