View Full Version : Mental panic only

18-08-15, 12:19
I really feel like I'm completely alone with this but my panic is now completely mental only, no physical symptoms. For example I have just walked down the street and my mind begins to panic. I feel fear but can't pin point the source and my body doesn't react. I then usually feel derealisation or depersonalistion.

18-08-15, 22:04
Got a diagnosis for this today for anyone who's searching and finds this. Apparently it's called psychological anxiety and happens when DP numbs your body.

18-08-15, 22:19
Had a few of these in whilst in Barcelona recently ,
Personally Its the last thing I need to deal with I hope :), I can be sat talking with someone then it happens , like I can focus on everything around the person but not the person themselves , a month a go I would have said anything to get the hell out of there , but now I simply rub my eyes and close them and tell myself to focus on the person or an object when I open them again .
Varying success , must look a bit strange to the person im with tho lol .

18-08-15, 22:22
How was Barcelona?? I love it there. Are you able to get rid of it quickly? My psychologist has said I am having a full panic attack but just can't feel the physical symptoms. It was such a relief to hear that I honestly thought i'd lost it.

18-08-15, 22:31
It was fantastic as always , even had some rain to make me feel at home :) .
I miss the physical symotoms in a silly way, they made me put a reason to the happenings , not sure if you know the fight or flight origins to them but everything made sense , the DP is a bit harder because it tells me something in life is depressing me thats why the brain is playing games , problem is lifes a buzz at the moment so I need to possibly ,visit a hypnotist and see if its something im blocking maybe , at least thats where im at with a conclusion at the moment lol

18-08-15, 22:44
Amen to all of that, what I'd give for a racing heart to calm down instead of just insanity buzzing about in my head. Yes maybe a hypnotherapist would be a good idea, I wouldn't say it means there's something your depressed about though. Just that it's a hard thing to shake once you have experienced it.

19-08-15, 18:17

I know how you feel as I also experience depersonalisation on a regular (too regular, if you ask me!) basis. My symptoms have never been completely physical. It used to scare me at first, and it still does, but now I'm more able to reassure myself that what I'm feeling is just a panic attack.

As tips go, I'm afraid I've got none. Usually, when I feel depersonalisation or derealisation, I focus on my breath or try and feel my heartbeat. I find this comforting because it makes me feel like 'I'm still there', if that makes sense...

22-08-15, 14:35
I hate those kind of mental panic attacks. I seem to get them more than a conventional panic attack, a mix of both physical and mental symptoms. As scary as the physical symptoms are, I would rather have them than the mental ones.