View Full Version : fear of getting lost

18-08-15, 12:49
Hey guys

I'm just wondering if anyone has similar anxieties to me, and if so if anyone has any coping strategies they could share?

My anxieties are around travel but primarily getting lost. I have all these scenarios in my mind where I die after getting lost. So I don't often travel to new cities or even go on trains really to places that I know- I feel frightened in case I miss my connection and get stranded. I'm not just nervous about travelling and getting lost- I'm also scared of being lost at work (I work in a huge building) or getting trapped on one of the disused floors or getting shut in one of the walk in freezers. My fears are all linked to a fear of dying I think but my primary fear is being lost. Made worse by the fact that I have no sense of direction at all, so am very likely to get lost. Although this didn't bother me before.

I used to travel abroad on my own, but now I'm terrified, I feel like I've got some form of agoraphobia but with the city being my safe zone. I barely manage at work I'm so worried about being sent to the local shops for something and getting lost.

My anxieties are dominating my life- so I just wondered if any one experiences something similar?

18-08-15, 12:54
Buy a Garmin! I have one and they're great! When I'm traveling to an area I'm unfamiliar with, it gets me to the address no problem and recalculates if you go off course to get you there. They even make one the size of a watch.

Positive thoughts

18-08-15, 14:15
Hey guys

I'm just wondering if anyone has similar anxieties to me, and if so if anyone has any coping strategies they could share?

My anxieties are around travel but primarily getting lost. I have all these scenarios in my mind where I die after getting lost. So I don't often travel to new cities or even go on trains really to places that I know- I feel frightened in case I miss my connection and get stranded. I'm not just nervous about travelling and getting lost- I'm also scared of being lost at work (I work in a huge building) or getting trapped on one of the disused floors or getting shut in one of the walk in freezers. My fears are all linked to a fear of dying I think but my primary fear is being lost. Made worse by the fact that I have no sense of direction at all, so am very likely to get lost. Although this didn't bother me before.

I used to travel abroad on my own, but now I'm terrified, I feel like I've got some form of agoraphobia but with the city being my safe zone. I barely manage at work I'm so worried about being sent to the local shops for something and getting lost.

My anxieties are dominating my life- so I just wondered if any one experiences something similar?

Hi Flisco

I've suffered with Agoraphobia and issues around getting on public transport as well as issues when going to a new place.

Hopefully some of my advice can help you through this difficult stage of your life.

Working backwards, it's very easy to let anxiety dominate your life but the reality, is that the anxiety isn't actually dominating your life, it's the way you think about it.

CBT really helped me and I'd suggest thinking about the following:

Re your fear of being locked in a freezer or locked on a disused floor, ask yourself how many other people have had the same thing happen to them - I'll bet its a very small number and that no one has died.

"IF" that were to happen, if you carry a mobile phone with you, you would be able to alert someone to the fact that you are stuck somewhere. Or, perhaps when you need to go to these areas, you let a co-worker know and if needbe, ask for someone to come along with you and wait outside.

As the previous poster said, well worth getting a sat-nav or something - I don't drive but my fiance got one for her car and last year we went 4 hours from home for a weeks holiday and the comfort of knowing we had that helped a lot - I didn't have any anxiety at all during that week.

The biggest challenge with any anxiety related issues, is that it's very easy for them to become all consuming and you start modifying your life to accommodate them which, as you can imagine, is not helpful.

If you've not already done so, I'd suggest you talk to your GP - there is nothing to feel ashamed about through having these feelings and I can tell you that once you've told someone, it's a lot easier.

Also, have a look at your lifestyle; if you are drinking a lot of caffeine or alcohol, do try to reduce that.

Personally, I've found that doing some relaxtion exercises and breathing techniques have been really helpful and also mediation and mindfulness.

Be strong and you will overcome this.

Take care


18-08-15, 14:39
thanks Urbanhermit

good to have some advice from from people who have similar symptoms, so thank you for relying.

I'm already taking to my psychiatrist about my anxiety and getting help- I also don't drink alcohol and have one cup of coffee everyday although I'm trying to cut it out.

I like the idea of some sort of satnav- although I tend to use the googlemap ap on my phone but as fishmanpa said a small garmin might be a good idea.

I'm also trying to get back into exercise. and am looking into some sort of mindfulness training.

At work I'm going to start carrying my mobile around with me- and I already alert co-workers when I go in to areas that make me anxious but they usually laugh it off, which makes me more nervous so maybe I just need to be clearer that I'm nervous? and that they need to check if I don't return.

I really hope I can overcome this- as you say the worst bit is when you start to change your life because you have anxieties- and before you know where you are you're living half a life! Its good to know you've managed to control your anxiety, I hope I can do the same one day.

18-08-15, 14:52
Hi Flisco

You certainly can control it - it is tough at times but it can be overcome.

In terms of mindfulness and meditation, I use Headspace - the foundation session is free of charge.

Also, breathing correctly helps:
