View Full Version : Waited too late to see if I Have H Pylori

18-08-15, 14:19
Back in November 2013 I woke up in the middle of the night with a dull achy stomach pain. My dad told me it was indigestion so I took a Zantac and it got better. Over the next 21 months at seemingly random dates I had dull achy pain that would go away after taking antacids. Oh and my stomach wouldn't be full. Now I think I might have ulcers caused by H Pylori. Since that can lead to cancer I have to wonder is it too late for me to see a doctor to prevent the cancer? Or is it just regular nighttime stomach aches. I'm 27 by the way.

18-08-15, 14:41
Lol...first, H.Pylori have bunch of ppl and they don't even know it...and if it doesn't cause problems they never find out. It does increase chance of developing ulcer but it's not even close that you could say h.pilory will definitely cause you ulcer and stomach cancer is even more unlikely.
If you have problems see doctor, but thinking it's too late for smth that you probably won't get even if you don't treat is your HA.

18-08-15, 14:44
You are assuming everything without knowing.
First you need to find out wether you have HPylori...if you do it doesn't necessarily mean you have ulcers...even if you did they don't necessarily mean you have cancer...you see what I'm saying?
I have had Hpylori and my husband has had a stomach ulcer and in both cases it was treatable x

18-08-15, 15:14
If you have problems see doctor, but thinking it's too late for smth that you probably won't get even if you don't treat is your HA.

Can't do that right now since I don't have insurance. At least not until November. I'm just concerned that I waited too long to see someone, assuming I do have H Pylori.

18-08-15, 15:31
And I told you you didn't and you are scared because ofHA.