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18-08-15, 18:02
Has anyone been on meds that stop anxiety and obsessive thoughts
Completely ?

18-08-15, 21:52
Yea mate ....citralapram 20 mg been fine for 5 years , lower dose for 12 months (10 mg)

Had health issues since Feb this year and its all creeped back but they do work for most .

My mum had Anxiity / depression on and off since her fifties now 83 and back on track after a cack 10 months .

When (or if it creeps back ) its crap but at least you know it will go


19-08-15, 02:17
Escitalopram has really helped my anxiety and depression a lot. I still have HA thoughts that I would obsess over in the past, but I don't obsess over it anymore. I handle it much better.

19-08-15, 02:24
Zoloft, 100mg for about 6 months (along with therapy) helped me get through a season of depression after some serious health issues. I have Buspar to take as needed currently.

Positive thoughts

12-12-15, 05:49
Hey Toby

There are meds that can help stop anxiety and obsessive thoughts. Anxiolytic and antidepressant medications are made for this purpose. However I encourage people not to rely solely on medications for it's only a quick fix and doesn't entirely eradicate the anxiety. It also can have many side-effects that can be harmful.

However meds are sometimes necessary so to take it can be inevitable. The best thing a person can do is back it up with other approaches to improve it's effectiveness and to reduce its side-effects. Aside from the meds, counseling therapy should also be included in the treatment regimen. Consider including nutritional supplements as well. 5-HTP and Endoca hemp oil are supplement that are proven to alleviate anxiety and it contains many other benefits. You should also try yoga, breathing exercises, aromatherapy, massage therapy, and soothing music.

14-12-15, 18:00
Meds kind of worked now and in the past, but they have thrown up far more problems than benefits to be honest (withdrawal, bad side effects). But that's just me - a lot of people benefit a lot from them. If you go down the meds route take as low a dose as you need (lots of the standard dosages like 20mg fluoxetine are more powerful than many people need - 5mg in liquid form may be enough) and watch out for withdrawal effects when you decide to stop.

14-12-15, 22:25
I concur with Fishmanpa. I found real relief with Zoloft. I do have OCD, and it was the best thing for stopping the obsessive thoughts. Really stopping them. Sometimes not being buffeted by emotions makes it possible to get through a rough patch and get on with things. Ditto for real relief from obsessive negative thoughts. This is when we need to take advantage and make some real changes, such as engaging in therapy. Taking control of our lives again, and so on ... After about 6 months I was doing better and wanted to "feel" more emotionally again, so, with my doctor's help, I withdrew from Zoloft with little trouble. The usual short experiences with the head zaps familiar to most of us on here. I would do it again if needed! Good luck ...