View Full Version : Has any one had this with heart

18-08-15, 18:21
Hi I've just got back from hospital this morning I woke up and felt very sweaty and light headed I called for an ambulance when they hooked me up my heart was all over the place one min was 40 then jumped straight up to 200bpm then straight back down to 40 but he couldn't get an ecg as the thing wouldn't work but was taken to hospital soon as I got there heart was back in a normal rythum and was allowed home after a few ecg's when I had the episode all I felt was very sweaty and like I was going to pass out and I shaked could panic have caused this I'm so worried it will happen again as I'm home on my own with a year old son all day tonight I feel exhausted :(

18-08-15, 21:22
This happened to me about a month ago. I called for an ambulance. They did various tests and said anxiety x

18-08-15, 22:06
Anxiety can cause this yes. Is this the first time it's happened?

18-08-15, 22:11
Thanks for your replies I think it happened the other day but wasn't sure as I didn't go to hospital I just hope nothing bad is going to happen I do suffer with ectopics hope nothing sinister has come from then

18-08-15, 23:14

Are you 100% sure your heart rate went from 40 to 200 almost like switching on a light bulb? If so, this most likely isn't anxiety. I'm certain you did panic and it made everything feel 100% worse but there could be an underlying issue (YOU'RE NOT GOING TO DIE).

The last thing I want to do it to make someone worried but we need to be realistic on this forum, if everyone tells you it's anxiety and you don't bother getting it checked out, you could end up in hospital again. Please see your GP soon. Tell them exactly what happened.

18-08-15, 23:21

Are you 100% sure your heart rate went from 40 to 200 almost like switching on a light bulb? If so, this most likely isn't anxiety. I'm certain you did panic and it made everything feel 100% worse but there could be an underlying issue (YOU'RE NOT GOING TO DIE).

The last thing I want to do it to make someone worried but we need to be realistic on this forum, if everyone tells you it's anxiety and you don't bother getting it checked out, you could end up in hospital again. Please see your GP soon. Tell them exactly what happened.

The OP said the ECG wasn't working so most likely a variance like that was the result of a malfunction. It really does sound like a panic attack and the fact that several subsequent ECGs were normal would affirm that.

Positive thoughts

18-08-15, 23:26
The OP said the ECG wasn't working so most likely a variance like that was the result of a malfunction. It really does sound like a panic attack and the fact that several subsequent ECGs were normal would affirm that.

Positive thoughts

If the OP only saw her heart rate change on the ECG machine then yes it was probably a technical issue but she didn't say that.

19-08-15, 04:52
Regardless of your heart rate, the ecg should continue to give a read-out - was it the ecg machine that showed your heart going from 40 to 200 bpm?

Many ecg machines these days have a built-in diagnostic function that analyses the signal and indicates what kind of heart problem it may be. It was probably this function that was unable to give a clear reading because of the variability.

It sounds like supraventricular tachycardia, which can be due to anxiety but also occurs for no obvious reason. If you are young and otherwise healthy, and the doctors can't detect any heart abnormality, it is not considered dangerous, although it can be distressing.

There are vagal manoeuvres to stimulate the vagus nerve to slow the heart that you can try at home. These include coughing, holding your breath, clenching your stomach muscles and splashing your face with cold water (sounds weird, I know). But if that doesn't work, seek medical treatment. Often the episode resolves itself while waiting to see the doctor, which can be frustrating, even if you are better!

19-08-15, 06:15
Again thanks for replies he couldn't get a trace of what my heart was doing but on the machine you could see my heart rate with the thing they put on your finger and he felt my pulse and could actually feel it mucking about I'm in the doctors this morning also my bp was 155/90 but he didn't seem concerned with that and said it was normal this morning I've woken up with some slight chest pain but that could just be from yesterday

19-08-15, 17:31
Had no luck with the doctor he looked at me as if I was lying but it was the paramedic that picked it up I'm worring now if it happens again

19-08-15, 17:41
Had no luck with the doctor he looked at me as if I was lying but it was the paramedic that picked it up I'm worring now if it happens again

Did you tell him it was the paramedic that picked it up? It really does just sound like SVT and it won't hurt you. If it happens again simply go to your doctor and demand a holter monitor and echo. If your doctor isn't very sympathetic (as it sounds), say you've been having skipped beats/heart flutters etc. They will have to send you for tests.

19-08-15, 20:14
Yeah I did say paramedic picked it up I'm terrified now than I might have cardiac arrest because it was all over the place I felt awful I wasn't feeling a skipped beat only a pounding for a sec while it was fast then a second later it was down to 40 I'm so scared I'm only 38 but I am slightly over weight and I don't exercise due to worring over my heart I know it's silly but could hormones have caused it

20-08-15, 14:41
I know how you are feeling. I have this random palpitations that scares the life out of me!! In fact I had a very bad one last night when having dinner with friends(no alcohol drank) I had them before and I had them checked out and cardiologist said they just palpitations and it's either beta blockers or put up with them. After I experienced one I am afraid about what is going to happen again. I get depress and very down, I was truly enjoying myself last night and the palpitation spoiled my night, lost the appetite and my good mood, and the worse is suffering in silence, I didn't want to say anything in case everyone focused on me and that will bring on a panic attack and probably the need to call an ambulance. I am so fed up with this condition. because of the uncertainty weather it's a dangerous palpitation or not, and if the next it's going to finish me off!

20-08-15, 19:22
I know what you mean all day my heart has been going very slow 58/60 bpm and normally it races think my natural pacemaker might be acting up

24-08-15, 18:40
I have Tachycardia and it is an actual medical condition. It happens infrequently and I've just learned to live with it for the past 20 years. I've been told I won't die and if the heart rate stays up over 160 they can give a drug at the ER to slow it down. There are also maneuvers you can do at home that can sometimes slow it down. For me it is usually bending over and bearing down like when you go poop. Cardiologists know a lot more about this than regular doctors. Back when I first started getting it, no one really could seem to tell me what it was, even the ER and a small town cardiologist. Finally after a trip to the ER a few years ago, I was diagnosed with AVNRT. So yes it is possible that you have some condition and you should see a doctor, but I can tell you from my own problem (which you may or may not have) they have relatively minor procedures to correct it, or you can just live with it (like I do). Main thing is even if it is something, doctors have their ways of making it manageable.