View Full Version : Please please please I am desperate for a bit of help.

18-08-15, 20:16
I am currently in an awful state. I am currently 11 weeks pregnant (thrilled- first baby) I am in a very happy marriage. I have been suffering with horrendous chronic posterior pelvic/ back pain for around 9 months. I also developed a cough around 3 months ago. I can not shake the feeling I have cancer and it has spread. I have had pelvic X-ray, pelvic ultrasound, chest X-ray, bloods, all came back "normal" but I still can't shake this feeling. I have been to my GP so many times. They think maybe gastro reflux or asthma for my cough... But the asthma assessment equipment broke when I went for the test and still isn't fixed! I can not shake this feeling of total dread. My Mum died of cancer last year which went undiagnosed for a while. I live every day in total fear and this consumes my thoughts. I have awful thoughts like I will never meet my baby which breaks my heart 1000 times a day. I am awaiting physio for my back and my midwife is being supportive and referring me for assessment but these things take time. I have a history of anxiety and OCD so these feelings of hopelessness aren't new for me. I thought I was coping better but I am not. I really need some help.

18-08-15, 20:43
Gemsparky, congratulations on your pregnancy! I am so sorry that you are having such a bad time. I am sure that the doctors are right and that you are fine. It is obvious you are like this because of what happened to your Mum and it is totally normal, it is very sad and shocking and so recent. But remember when we are pregnant we are checked more than ever.
You need to find ways to bring the anxiety levels down, for yourself and for the baby. I can recommend swimming, yoga or breathing exercises, mindfulness...and maybe you can do some form of therapy to help you believe that what as happened to your Mum is not going to happen to you.
I don't know if this is suitable when pregnant or not but I drink Dr Stuarts Tranquility Tea and it is very calming.
Best of luck xx

18-08-15, 21:05
congratulations.. i am sure if you keep normal pre-natal appointments you will be given great care to ensure you and baby are healthy when the happy day arrives :-)..trust in that

18-08-15, 22:02
Congrats my friend :hugs:

"I have had pelvic X-ray, pelvic ultrasound, chest X-ray, bloods, all came back "normal" but I still can't shake this feeling. I have been to my GP so many times."

Reading the above in your post your absolutely fine !

What you are suffering from is Health Anxiety , we all do it on here but your tests are perfect as you say :yesyes:

Its hard to believe when your i the grip of anxiety but its true

Everything is perfect in your life right and you want nothing to spoil it , and anxiety raises its ugly head and is trying to spoil it .

HTH ............Your fine
