View Full Version : Freaking out AGAIN: tingling, numb, twtichy, shaking, nervous

19-08-15, 05:24
Hi, everyone. So, I had shyed away from this site for a while as I was feeling better. I know some of us do that when we start to feel okay. Recently however, I have been coming on here again as my attacks have been getting bad again. Even with 11 years of experience with this disorder it still has me wrapped around it's finger pulling me into fear of what if's and "I think I'm dying".

I ask myself many questions many days in a row at times - they range from everyday things to the Am I dying?:
Is this because I'm over stressed from my 2 jobs?
Am I stressed because I take care of my daughter alone and she's going through a rough phase?
Am I stressed because of both?
Why can't I handle normal day to day stresses without anxiety?
Even though these symptoms are anxiety related, this means I may still be physically ill right!?

Is this stress causing the twitching, the facial twitching? Is this facial twitching going to last forever even when I'm not stressed? How can I make the stress and anxiety and twitching go away?

I have so many good things going for me in life right now. I've had my new place for a few months now. I have my freedom that I deeply missed the last 6 years of my life. I have 2 new jobs where I'm liked by all of my coworkers and managers. I have a beautiful daughter. I have an amazing boyfriend.

So how, with all of this good and achievements and moving forward in life, how with this am I still having these panic attacks? I feel like I'm supposed to be okay. After my past, after my many years of struggling since 18, how is the anxiety starting to control me again? How am I letting it? It's making me really depressed. I can still do my day to day things but it just feels like a struggle. I can go to work, I can commute, I can do chores around the house, I can get on a plane in 2 weeks. I just can't control my physical symptoms or thinking of the symptoms!

My symptoms right now are always in my face. I get so scared that there is something detrimentally wrong with me. I've had all of the thoughts about nerves, neurological problems etc that I've seen other people on this site state they have.

Right now my face feels like this:
Tonight it is a bit numb - when it's not numb tingling and sometimes both. It's on the left side of my face. I did sleep wrong on my neck last night - that's also sore on that side. I'm associating this with that - I'm really trying to at least that is!
Right where your dimples are/the cheek area by the bottom of my nose and top corner of my left lip it has been twitching kind of spasming or just feeling tight. If I look up with my head and eyes it will twitch especially if I'm stressed or focusing. I've been like this since this past week on Monday so about a week; I had bad sleep and been really stressed with my daughter and then working many days without any days off really - switching between day and night shifts too.
I can't seem to shake the twitching. I had had it in my eye before - it's happened multiple times over the years but not this feeling and this spot in my face. When I try to keep my mouth open and keep it like that, it's almost like I can't control the twitching.

I had blood work recently done at the hospital because of a visit for a fever/muscle aches.... turning out to be fever and a low potassium. I take vitamins now and seem to be ok. If I had something crazy they would have found it in my bloodwork and something neurological would not have just turned up this quick and wouldn't come and go come and go as this does. I also seem to have it disappear when my anxiety is at bay or after a long night of sleep or on an overnight shift when I'm listening to music, stocking shelves and keeping my body and mind busy working.

Does anyone else feel like this? It's really getting me down. I don't like having my face feel like this. And I don't like the extra panic it causes! I'll add that I have had mild ticks since I was a young child (it's technically a form of tourettes or a sub category if you want to call it that). These ticks and sensations have disappeared in the past with xanax so I'm very convinced that this facial feeling is just that; sensations... ticks... or reactions to stress/being tense in the face. I also suffer from benign tremors. Basically my hands shake noticeably during certain tasks and sometimes they just do it randomly. I was diagnosed with the tremors I think around age 7 or 8. Someone else that my parents know, their son has the tremors too - worse than me apparently. It's more embarrassing than anything and can make my job difficult sometimes but doesn't consistently interfere with life.

Sorry for this entirely too long - too detailed post. :unsure:But thanks for listening! Much appreciated! :yesyes:

19-08-15, 16:46
Hi Fallingstar

1 - Check out AnxietyCentre.com This website is helping me tremendously, as I have also been a sufferer for many years.

2 - I have all those symptoms you describe.. on and off.. sometimes for days, weeks, months.. even when I THINK I am not anxious. They linger and will linger until you have spent a good amount of time managing your anxiety and stress in a healthy way (refer to website).

Twitching in the face... it never worried me when I got it in the eyes.. figured it was a normal spot. But, believe me, I go through the same panic. I had it in my lip, cheek, nose, and EVEN ON MY TONGUE. THAT Freaked me out.. but it passes.

Let me ask you a question now... have you ever had this numb feeling across your eyebrows? Like, it;s not really numb, it just FEELS that way. When I touch, I can still feel it ... idk this is a weird one for me. lol

20-08-15, 05:55
Hey, dittarco. Thanks for responding to my post. While I'm very sorry that you suffer the same symptoms (which are both annoying and frightening), I'm grateful that I can relate to another on a symptomatic level.

Thank you for the site suggestion as well. :yesyes:

What's the longest you've had the numb/constantly twitching sensation for month wise? 1, 2? :)
This last week I've been under some stress so I've just been very twitchy. It's actually almost going on 2 weeks now - but I'm seeing a Dr. Monday so I'll bring this all up - even though I'm embarrassed to I need to. I'm sure it won't humour them and that they'll just reassure me and tell me to relax.

I can't say I get a numb feeling across my eyebrows but I get it on my cheek/lip/chin area the last couple of days - really freaky - but yes when I touch that area I can feel it - it's not actually numb - I just think it is. When I realise I can feel my finger touching it it's kind of a relief - like yay it's not ACTUALLY numb! It's just in my mind.

Tonight my neck is super sore - I think it's from my sleeping positions. My shoulders are also sore - definitely also a stress tension thing. I just don't like any of these sensations I'm having from the shoulders up. Even after your reply and reading articles that this is SO SO normal to anxiety sufferers, I'm still freaking out. I can't wait to feel okay again!

Question for you - did you have ticks as a kid - or ever get diagnosed with ADHD or any mild form of tourettes (aka ticks - twitches, etc). I was reading about that and a lot of people with anxiety have tourettes or ticks and this can cause the twitching etc. Just thought that was interesting. I was diagnosed like I said with ticks, myself. Not sure if it's causing this due to stress or if it's all stress. As a kid I used to seriously have crazy eye twitches during a big period of being bullied/just in general.

20-08-15, 16:32
Hi again!
[I]Hey, dittarco. Thanks for responding to my post. While I'm very sorry that you suffer the same symptoms (which are both annoying and frightening), I'm grateful that I can relate to another on a symptomatic level.

Thank you for the site suggestion as well.

Twitching I feel like always occurs - just a matter of how often, where and my awareness. I'm sure I twitch daily, but if I am calm (which is rare), I barely keep track. However, this particular "Twitch-athon" has been going on since April LOL .. it's NOT THAT BAD, but enough to send me into a tizzy. Since I started to relax about them (about a month ago), they have lessened. SO AS YOU CAN SEE, Stress and ANXIETY and FOCUSING on it makes it worse.

Doctors appointments DO scare me, but I couldn't take it anymore, so I ram to a neuro in July and she put my fears at ease. And as a result, the peace of mind lessened the twitching. Listen though - MOST people get twitches. So don't panic if they do NOT magically disappear.

OK, different spot, same feeling. I can handle that ;-) Exactly. It "FEELS" numb. but it's not really numb. Cool. Glad to know I am not nuts.

I think neck and shoulder tension MAY have something to do with it, plus I bet our breathing sucks too. Shallow breathing is common for people like us.

No I never had nervous tics, but I had OTHER nervous tendencies. I think it's all tied together. If you're an anxious person by nature, you will be prone to all of the anxiety related symptoms.

Please CHECK OUT CHAPTER 9 of that website I sent you. I promise this site will help you.

21-08-15, 00:59
Awesome - now I have Globus. Ugh. My throat and whole neck feel tight. Of course the twitching is NOT present at the moment. It's like one symptom just left for the other to have a turn.

A manager at one of my jobs has anx too. She was saying that if I am being bothered that much by the symptoms to go to a neurologist. I don't have the time right now - and I don't have the money next month when I have new insurance most likely... just to go run to a doctor to ease my mind. I know it's all anxiety related. And hey, if it was ever anything else, I'm starting to be kind of numb towards any possibilities of what it could be or the what ifs. My symptoms of anxiety are getting so ridiculous and bugging me so, that it's almost working to my advantage to where I'm like, "whatever, anxiety try your best and screw you." I'm in better mood today - had a day off - a nice RELAXING day off at that. So maybe that helped a ton. But now, the what feels like a ball of dough in my stomach and the lump in the throat and the tight throat.

Glad I helped you realise you're not nuts haha. If I can only convince myself now that I'm not nuts (joke obviously ;) ). But seriously, glad I helped.

I think it's all tied together yes. I've been nervous since I was about 7 or 8. I did have a major traumatic life event happen around that age. I think maybe that pushed a switch to go on inside of me. I've always been anxious as a kid, teen and then young adult. I just got diagnosed at 19. When I was young about 7 they diagnosed me with ADHD and my mom had me put on all these medications, stunted my weight gain, etc. Pretty awful if you ask me. Then I started having ticks - which made kids make fun of me and bully me (not that that was the cause - I was just always an easy bully target). That made me more nervous and more anxious. I used to get a lump in my throat and dry mouth and dizzy as a kid I remember. It's crazy to realise you can get anxiety and experience it so young. I'm convinced I've basically suffered forever now... which is sad... but hey, I've done more than I ever thought I would in life so it's a definite plus - still not fun to live with this though.

I'll check out Chapter 9 tonight or tomorrow. Thanks. Much appreciated. Take care!

03-09-15, 21:29
Hi ty for the post..i have the facial tics/ twitches and they are horible.i think my worst symptom of anxiety is the shallow breathing. im not aware that i am doing this but my head constantly feels like its gunna explode and i have a tight chest with pain.. very uncomfortble.. erm my anxiety is about anxiety,Anxious of been anxious.. crazy but true.. iwake up and think how do i feel and then it starts with the need to get a deep breath and so on,. then as the day goes on all the symptoms follow.. I can not sstop thinking about how i feel.. My life is good i just dont get it but cant change the way i think.. its with me 24/7.. nothing helps.. i take propranolol 20mg but i actually think that makes it worse.. Help!! oh the site anxity.com is it free? ty in advance.

05-09-15, 12:45
I am almost 42 and I have OCD (diagnosed in 1993 but I guess I have it all my life when I look back). Which is very bothersome when having symptoms. In short (I try). A couple of weeks ago I got a twitching eyelid. Days later I felt twitching, cramping, trembling and jidderness, even burning feelings sometimes, all over my body. It is driving me insane. It all started in my eye; the eye-twitching is gone. Mostly in rest, when sitting behind my computer, at my desk, and lying down in bed. I googled around like crazy (OCD is the culprit). Of course I am hypochondriac and I begin to worry that I have some other neurological disease. I have bloodtests every three months because of other healthissues, last bloodtest a week ago says a slight lack of vitamin D. Have to take supplements for that, I am now at day 4. I hope it will subside... I've been through a lot in my life, having some health issues and health anxiety ever since I was diagnosed with a heart disease (under control), Ménière's, OCD, hypothyroïd (all under control, as far as it gets under control). And I wish it could finaly calm down... Thanks for listening.