View Full Version : Latest anxiety episode

19-08-15, 08:44
Hi all,

I'm hoping this doesn't come across as self-congratulatory or anything like that. It's not. It's just that I wanted to share my experiences over the past month to see if there's anything I should be doing differently / maybe I did the right thing and can share that...

Around early July my work moved offices, to a location far closer to home, in a modern building with a lovely walk on the way in.

The first day came and I went for a walk with the guys I work with and around half way round I cam over very peculiar and felt like I was about to (at best) pass out. I didn't...

Following this, I started finding myself slowly nit picking things that were wrong both in the office and then diagnosing why I felt faint.

Looking back I'm almost certain it was some sort of anxiety/panic attack.

Following on from that the usual pattern of visiting Dr Google's Malpractice for "advice" led me to convincing myself that I'm a walking miracle as with so many types of cancer riddling my body the fact I was walking and breathing unaided must have made me a marvel...

So for 3 weeks I fell into the usual pattern, waking up every hour, feeling like a zombie, thoughts getting worse. Absolutely screwed cognitive process, needing people around me to tell me I'm being stupid rather than putting 2+2 together myself.

Amazingly once with a bit of alcohol inside me on a Saturday night I felt fine. And one Sunday that was where it dawned on me...

So out came the affirmation mp3s. Out came the pad and pen and I started dealing with the issues in a rational way that I could see. Most importantly, I could handle it!

I certainly hope this doesn't make people feel like I am trivialising their anxieties, it's not something that everyone has a switch to make vanish (my body is still coping, the scabs up my nose and in my eyebrows are reminding me that my bosy is still dealing with the fallout!) But I was hoping that maybe writing something where I'm feeling comfortable with myself again would be a positive to add here.

If you feel offended and think I'm gloating, I am very sorry. Feel free to inbox me all the abuse you have, I'm very thick skinned :)

Take care

19-08-15, 09:03
Congrats on feeling better. I always like positive stories, they give people hope, so you won't be getting any abuse from me (sorry if that is what you were hoping for :-))
And I also love positive stories with humour, the bit about the walking miracle made me laugh so much...xxx

blue moon
19-08-15, 09:04
I am not offended,good on you it is nice to read that someone is helping themselves.I have affirmations all through my home.

I hope your scabs heal :
Petra x:D

19-08-15, 14:25
Nice one DC1980. I've written things down and tried to work through them for years when I'm freeking out about something. Glad you've been able to get a handle on things.

19-08-15, 22:06
Thanks all.

Currently sitting here feeling like a dog looking at a plate of meat or something for how much my mouth is watering.

Mind. Over. Matter!

I'm comfortable with it. Just let it happen. It's just my mind focussing on something needless! :)

20-08-15, 00:14
You really don't sound self congratulatory. My psychiatrist who I started seeing 15 years ago told me to start a journal, because you forget where you were and how you were feeling and how far you've come.

Whatever works for you is wonderful, thanks for sharing, who knows, it might just be the suggestion another person needs that helps them, that's the beauty of a forum.