View Full Version : Please help

19-08-15, 17:14
(Do not read if scared of Melanoma or this may trigger your fear)
I have had a mole for over a year (maybe over 2) on my lower back it is asymmetrical and about the size of the back of a pencil. It has a solid brown colour the shape of a rhombus in the middle and a little border outside which makes it a not perfect oval and doesn't stick out very far although you can feel it slightly when moving your finger along the skin. During this time I don't believe it has changed colour although I have not checked colour change in much detail. The width has definitely not changed as last time it was also the same width as i remember checking it with a pencil quite a while ago. I was very scared and googled and found this http://www.skincheck.org/Page7.php which completely made me freak out and now Im scared all the symptoms ive been having have been caused by this mole spreading and that I am full of cancer all over my body and that I will suffer the same fate as the person in the story which has made me go absolutely crazy. I know no one here is a doctor but I need some helpful words as I am in a bad place right now. The only fact that is keeping me slightly calm is that my mole is almost completely flat and and top does not feel firm however elevation under the skin can occur without outer growth. Please any help would be appreciated. I could provide pictures if needed just need some help dealing with this.

19-08-15, 17:34
Not changed in a year? That doesn't sound malignant at all to me. I'm positive you're fine, you just need to relax and remember that your symptoms are largely a manifestation of all the stress and anxiety you're experiencing.

19-08-15, 18:12
OMG I just found a colourless mole which I havent notices before on my back now im going crazy. It is slightly more elevated but is symmetrical and about the same size. Also it is all the same colour. It is on the other side of my back to the other 1.