View Full Version : Awful week - twitching, dizziness...

19-08-15, 19:59
Hi all

Typing on my phone so sorry if there are errors or formatting problems.

For the last 7-8 weeks or so I've been getting muscle twitches, shaking, some trembling, and over the last few days I have got dizzy and nauseous (I actually think this is real illness, perhaps start of a cold). When I am falling asleep my limbs jump and wake me up. I'm very run down at the moment but it's making every day hard. I'm convinced I have a horrible neurological disease. I get the feeling of weakness in my fingers or arms and legs but it's all perceived... I've never struggled to lift something, walk, whatever, and I'm clinging to this.

But tonight I have decided to stay in bed rather than go to a band I wanted to see... And It's the first time I've avoided doing something because of anxiety.

I suppose like everyone else I'm after some reassurance. Surely these things can be caused by a bad bout of anxiousness? Twitches can, but the thing when falling asleep? The perceived weakness?

Thanks all

19-08-15, 21:42
Hi there,
All of these symptoms can be caused by anxiety, my mother has had them all and I've had a lot of them. Its probably just a more stressful time for you that's all :)

25-08-15, 14:58
I have the twitches. I can relate that they are horrible and frightening. I have them all day and to have them when I'm trying to sleep. Almost as if I'm having a seizure or something. Do you suffer with epilepsy? Xx

25-08-15, 18:06
urghhhh they're bloody horrible!!! My symptoms change, but I get the weakness one a lot. I don't tremble, but I get pins and needles and a funny sort of numb pain that keeps me awake x