View Full Version : anxiety can ruin your life.

worried bear
20-08-15, 00:40
I have just joined this forum, the first forum I have ever joined of any kind, being a complete technophobe. All my life I have found social contact difficult, getting married age 47, four years ago has been a great help, but has not taken the anxiety away. I take citalopram since having a breakdown eleven years ago, this has also been beneficial. Brought up in a kind loving home, where every provision was available, I was wrongly encouraged into a career, maybe fearful of making my own choices. Although now being settled in life and having no real reason too worry, I still do! I crave routine and think about things too much, inventing unlikely scenarios! this to me is GAD, do others feel similarly.

20-08-15, 01:18
Hi just saw your post and well wanted to say hi and welcome to the forum x

20-08-15, 09:11
Hi and welcome
I was also brought up in a very loving home, I believe all my anxiety stems from my Dad's death when I was 10.
But even though it is interesting to know where our anxiety comes from it is not necessary to know to recover x

worried bear
20-08-15, 20:51
Thank you for your welcome,