View Full Version : Question regarding Anxiety

20-08-15, 09:38
So I've been on Ven for a week now and I am starting to feel a bit better but I wanted to ask a question regarding anxiety.

Does anyone else on here have a feeling of general unwellness with anxiety?

It's just I've been casting my mind back over the last few years and I have periods where I just don't feel well, almost like I'm coming down with something, I feel hot, lethargic, sometimes scratchy throat, headaches, nausea, achey, jelly legs etc but more often than not it doesn't come to anything.

What I have noticed is when I have periods where I'm going to the gym and I'm eating better have more energy I don't tend to feel like this and can go weeks and weeks feeling fine.

I guess what I'm asking is can anxiety really make you have this general feeling of illness. Obviously for the last few years I've been thinking it's due to some serious illness and I'm having a hard time accepting that it's probably just my anxiety making me feel this way.

Just wondered if anyone else experiences this to this degree?

21-08-15, 06:26
Yes, totally. If you read about things like anxiety you will see how medical articles explain how it is causing your body to work harder which means you are burning through nutrients quicker too. This can mean you need more nutrients than normal and it can also mean you have crashes where your body needs time to sort itself out.

Anxiety is well known to impact on the immune system due to all this and what happens when your immune system is low...you feel like you have colds, you get tired, fatigue sets in, runny noses, headaches, etc. If you speak to people without anxiety disorders who are working too hard for too long, they will tell you they experience it too. It's excess stress on the body.

Healthy eating means greater intake of good nutrients and increased exercise means your body is more efficient at digestion, hormone control, stronger immune system, sleep is deeper, etc. So, it offsets that harder lifestyle.

Just look at people who work in offices sitting down all day. Loads of stress they can't burnoff, bad posture, they can eat poor, poor quality air, lack of exercise, etc. Then look at people who are on their feet or working in more manual jobs. My dad at 63 was in better shape than most of the guys in their twenties in my last office...vut he worked in a demanding physical job for 30+ years. He rarely got ill.

21-08-15, 18:00
Thanks Terry

I guess it makes sense when you think of all the extra stress on the body it's just so hard convincing yourself that the symptoms are caused by anxiety and not something sinister.

Had a bit of an off day today, the anxiety is reduced but still feel quite unwell in myself, still not surprising considering I've been running off adrenaline the last few weeks!