View Full Version : Cervix worries - nabothian cyst got bigger

20-08-15, 09:52

A few months ago during an examination the nurse said I have a nabothian cyst on my cervix. She said it is harmless and nothing to worry about. I had felt the lump initially and thought it was my coil coming out, it felt about the size of a match head. When I was checking my mirena coil strings yesterday though I felt a firm, round bump on my cervix about the size of a small pea. I know it is most likely this nabothian cyst that has grown but I am panicking now. Sex has been painful lately (although I have had an endometriosis flare up which would explain why) and I am bleeding a little but I think that is just a period (I don’t have regular or heavy periods cause of the coil) I think I must have scratched it a bit cause I can feel a soreness around there now, I probably shouldn’t have been prodding such delicate area!

I had my last smear about 6 months ago and it came back normal, surely if there was anything wrong it would have shown up then? am I worrying over nothing here? Is this my HA going into overdrive again or do I need to be worried?

I am trying not to panic and rush to the drs to reassurance but I am worrying still L I am so fed up cause I was doing so well with my HA! I am booked in to see the dr week after next for a review of my medication anyway so I will ask her about it then but I am just so tired of things constantly cropping up and ruining everything!

Yesterday I was freaking out over a rash and now it’s my cervix. You have to laugh really...

20-08-15, 10:22
Firstly i totally know what you mean by freaking out about different things, i call it my symptom hopping!

Mine has been tingly face last week as i have suffered that for a while and now im back to having a sore armpit (weird!) have suffered this before too and i have made it worse by digging trying to feel for lumps!!

Anyway, i also have a nabothian cyst, My GP found mind and i was referred to a gynaecologist, not for the cyst but because i was suffering from lots of pelvic pain. He noticed the cyst and mentioned it to me and said it was totally harmless and works in tune with our cycles. He said they tend to get bigger towards the end of our cycle and then when we do start menstruation they tend to shrink back down. Then the cycle starts all over again.

If you are mid way through your cycle this could be why it feels a little more prominent :)

20-08-15, 14:26
Thank you so much for your reply J

It has really helped set my mind at rest. I think, deep down, I know what I am ‘feeling’ is either changes in my cervix due to hormones (I am having a light period and have period pain today) or the nabothian cyst that has gotten larger.

I am just so scared cause you here more and more now about younger women (I am 31) getting cervical cancer and it is just scary thinking ‘what if?’

Literally every symptom and sensation will set me off worrying.

I feel under pressure cause I suffer with endometriosis, I am getting married next year and we want to try for a baby right after we get back from our honeymoon. I am worrying about my fertility and if the endometriosis and nabothian cyst and indeed the stress of my HA will effect my changes of getting pregnant anyway L