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07-02-07, 08:58
Hi all

Does anyone suffer from TMJ disorder? It involves pain in the jaw, head, neck and ear. I suffer ith tinnitus and ear fullness aswell. My jaw also clicks and grinds a lot on the left side.

I have been to the doctors and they have said it is caused by several things but they never mention TMJ disorder. I have read many articles which say that it is often misdiagnosed, yet it also affects many people with stress and anxiety as it can be caused by clenching the jaw and grinding teeth.

I do worry about having a brain tumor or something but in reality, my symptoms all point to TMJ. Does anyone else suffer from this?

Take care

Jo xx

07-02-07, 10:47
Hi Jo,

I can relate to your symptoms. I also suffer from painful jaw and a pain that goes from my jaw up past my ear to the top of my head on the left hand side. It sometimes feels like my ear's are blocked. When I open my jaw I get a clicking sound and sometimes a puff of wind in the joint area it's not very nice but I've kinda got used to it now and don't worry about anymore as I've had it for about 6 years on and off. I like you used to worry that it was the dreaded Brain Txxxx. But I'm still alive and well (well kind of :-))

I also sometimes wake up with a headache which is caused by clenching my jaw at night, it's worse when I'm stressed or anxious (quite a lot actually). I have a plate that my dentist made that I wear at night when it's really bad. It keeps your jaw in the correct position and prevents you from clenching. It does help, but its not the most attractive of things and does make you dribble :-(

Don't know if this has helped but from what you say it sounds like your suffering from the same thing, try not to worry as that will make you more tense and make the symptoms worse (I know easier said than done).

Take care

Becki x

07-02-07, 10:48
Hi Jo,

I can relate to your symptoms. I also suffer from painful jaw and a pain that goes from my jaw up past my ear to the top of my head on the left hand side. It sometimes feels like my ear's are blocked. When I open my jaw I get a clicking sound and sometimes a puff of wind in the joint area it's not very nice but I've kinda got used to it now and don't worry about anymore as I've had it for about 6 years on and off. I like you used to worry that it was the dreaded Brain Txxxx. But I'm still alive and well (well kind of :-))

I also sometimes wake up with a headache which is caused by clenching my jaw at night, it's worse when I'm stressed or anxious (quite a lot actually). I have a plate that my dentist made that I wear at night when it's really bad. It keeps your jaw in the correct position and prevents you from clenching. It does help, but its not the most attractive of things and does make you dribble :-(

Don't know if this has helped but from what you say it sounds like your suffering from the same thing, try not to worry as that will make you more tense and make the symptoms worse (I know easier said than done).

Take care

Becki x

07-02-07, 20:50
hi jo,

i was going to post about tmj aswell...as i have been having alot of tmj like symptoms. head pain, ear pain, ear fulness ear popping and jaw clicking.

i have been to the doctor as i had ear pain head pain and eye pain and the doctor prescribed me ear drops...but the ear drops have not helped.
sometimes the ear/head pain is on the right and some times left sided.

and its always worse when i wake up in the morning so i definitly clench my teeth in my sleep plus my teeth are extremly sore.

the tmj started round about the same time as the stress and anxiety did so ur right its defintly due to stress. as stress makes u clench and grind your teeth...and even if your not clenching it can still tighten muslces around the body.

but like u sometimes i cant help but worry wot it might be due to somethin more sinister...sometimes i worry what if i have tmj for ever and it doesnt go...and ill have to live with the pain. i worry i might be doing damage to my teeth and jaw muslces.

all these fears are due to our negative thinking and are very common thought patterns for people who have health anx.
and we need to constantly reassure ourselves that these symptoms are just stress related.

like becki mentioned u can get a mouthguard/nightguard to stick into ur mouth at night to help prevent teeth damage and clenching and grinding.
ive recently got mine and so far im still clenching i jus hope it will help me get out of this habbit. ive stoped clenching my teeth during the day but at night its still a bit of trouble.

if u suspect u are clenching or grinding u should definitly get a mouthguard.

jus wanted to let u knw u are not alone...i can assure u that the head pain and ear symptoms you are having are stress related and due to tmj.



08-02-07, 04:56
I have tmj. I suggest that you see your dentist. My dentist was the one who diagnosed the tmj, ordered a mouth guard and referred me to a physiotherapist. Good luck!

10-10-13, 19:19
this is an old post..but does anyone else suffer..i get ear fullness,jaw pain,dizzyness and my jaw gives audible cracks..hate it
gina x

10-10-13, 21:38
I am currently nursing a sore cheek and jaw that I believe may be aattributed to this? I can't open my jaw more than about 1cm. I'm at the dentist in the morning for the 2nd time this week to see if they can figure it out.

20-10-13, 21:02
Hi, I have TMJ and very loud tinnitus. My jaw clicks and pops and ears feel full. I also have facial arthomyalgia which is due to the TMJ. Cant win!!

Tilly Flop
21-10-13, 09:11
I was diagnosed by by dentist with this years ago as I had horrid popping of my jaw joint, in the mornings it's so loud my husband can hear it :ohmy:! Like others have mentioned he made me a gum shield thingy that puts my jaw in the correct position to try and help, which I did wear when I first got it but I don't bother now tbh. I have, however, recently wondered whether some of the issues that bother me are down to this, and generalised tension in my jaw/ neck / shoulders, as I'm very aware that I hold them all tensed as a kind of default position if that makes sense, when I remember and make myself relax them everything feels so much more comfortable. I have headaches and throat tightness (which is really bothering me at the moment and is making me anxious) and I wonder whether many if not all of this can be attributed to the TMJ thing.

21-10-13, 11:50
I have all these issues too..

21-10-13, 12:27
Yes, me too - if I were you, I'd see the dentist, not the GP...

21-10-13, 12:59
Hi, I have TMJ and very loud tinnitus. My jaw clicks and pops and ears feel full. I also have facial arthomyalgia which is due to the TMJ. Cant win!!

Hi there Mama Cass wanted to know what this is? The facial part? I suffer from TMJ as well.

21-10-13, 13:08
I have TMJ. It affects all sorts of things, including mine affecting nerves in the teeth and gums. I am seeing an oestopath who is working on both the outside and inside my mouth. It is a very painful treatment, but hopefully will address the trigger points and scarring in the muscles, particularly the masseter muscle. I have had 4 sessions and last week the muscles were definitely under less stress. I also have a gum shield to try and stop me clenching. The Dr at the hospital wrote to my GP and said that my anxiety was the main problem. Stress = jaw muscle probs = anxiety = more anxiety etc etc. a vicious cycle. I can open my mouth wide, but it is the lateral movement that is causing the most problem. I still find it difficult to accept that the symptoms are all related to the tmj and anxiety. If anyone lives in Dorset and wants the name of the oestopath, please pm me. He is brilliant at explaining how it is all inter-connected, very patient and understanding.

21-10-13, 15:27
That sounds great jillyb I was diagnosed by my dentist 5 years ago saw an oral surgeon and got a splint..I feel it in massater muscles too. Also my neck and shoulders and my jaw cracks so loud other people can hear it. I can only just about manage 2 knuckle widths in my my jaw opening g about 30 cm.i I have had problems with my ears and sinuses. Its just not funny and quite worrying even though I know its just the tmj.
Gina x

---------- Post added at 15:27 ---------- Previous post was at 15:26 ----------

I also have fibromyagia

22-10-13, 03:03
Hi. I am relatively new here, but an old hat at worrying over things. I had your same symptoms a few years ago and was convinced I had a brain tumor or some such. I went to the dentist and also back on my anti anxiety meds. I am still alive and my jaw pain is minimal. I believe TMJ is aggravated by stress ... Vicious cycle.