View Full Version : Green stool and green mucus?

20-08-15, 14:25
I went to the toilet just before after probably going for about a day without pooping and when I pooped, the stool was in bits and circular, it was a green colour and had green mucus on it, this frightened me a lot any idea what it could be? I've had no stomach pain or anything today so I don't see what it could be but I just need reassuring, that's all. (There was also the tiniest speck of blood on the toiler paper too but i put that down to a slight anal fissure as my anus has been a little sore recently).

20-08-15, 15:14
Probably something you ate to be honest - have you been eating green coloured veg?

20-08-15, 15:18
nope, all i've eaten today is sausage rolls and no veg yesterday or day before.