View Full Version : Genetic Link to Health Anxiety?

07-02-07, 10:42
Both me and my brother have health anxiety and so did our father. Does this mean we will never get rid of it? Will we always have it? If it's in our genes, there isn't a lot of hope for us is there?


07-02-07, 11:19
Oh dear, Ladybird, that's a bit pessimistic. Nothing is really set in stone. I'm sure that there are many people who have suffered with anxiety and who had a genetic tendency towards it, who have made a full recovery. Anyway, most people get anxious, it's just how we deal with that anxiety. To say that someone will always have anxiety must surely imply that none of the therapies can help them. And there are plenty as this site can testify.

I dare say the vast majority of families carry genes for certain conditions - heart disease, cancer, etc. It doesn't mean that those genes will get expressed though, genetics is a complicated affair where some genes are dominant and some recessive. What I do believe is that if you convince yourself that you will get something then there is a greater likelihood that you will. It's the power of the mind.


07-02-07, 13:26
Is it "in your genes" or just a way of behaviour you have learnt throughout childhood?

I would imagine if you are brought up by someone who is anxious about his health, then you would "learn" this rather than inherit it.

I heard somewhere that we are not born with fear (other than life-saving stuff), and therefore everything is just what we learn throughout life. And if we've learnt it, we can also learn measures to deal with it.

Personally, I believe that I will always be a very cautious person who worries more than some others; however I strive to learn to deal with this on a day to day basis, to put it into perspective. Maybe I'll never get rid of my health anxiety altogether, but if I can learn not to panic over the slightest thing, then that's good enough for me right now!

07-02-07, 23:03
I agree with ckirby. I discovered that both my dad and my grandmother (his mother) suffered from health anxiety throughout their lives, although I don't think either of them ever acknowledged or dealt with it in the same way that I am trying to do now.

I also wonder how much of our thoughts and behaviours are learned from our elders - having said that, I do believe that we may be more predisposed to certain traits if they are 'in the family' - and maybe health anxiety or sensitivity is a good example of that?!? Who knows...

All I do know is that I am more of my own thought processes and how they affect anxiety levels (- which my dad and grandmother weren't), and when I have children I will hopefully be able to recognise and help them if they have health worries of their own - so I guess I'm already changing patterns and breaking the mould for the next "lot"!

Try not to let it get you down... I'm a damned sight more positive about my 'affliction' (;)) since joining this site and getting loads of reassurance.

Good luck!


piglits pal
09-02-07, 12:10
I don't think it's genetic, but more behavior we've learnt through observance.

My mother has health anxiety and so do I. I've discussed this with my gp and a CBT therapist and we all agree that my anxieties are a result of watching my mother and being led to believe that this is the correct way to behave.

Your thought patterns can be changed - it's hard work but it can be done.