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View Full Version : Peeling skin on hands

20-08-15, 18:10
For the last 4-5 days fingers and palms on both of my hands have had many small circles of peeled skin and 1 bigger patch on left palm. I am not sure if that patch sometimes itch since it is on palm and palms smts itch for no reason so basically only symptom that I am sure of is peeling skin.

Did anyone have similar thing before? Is it necessary to see dermatologist or it will go away on it's own?

21-08-15, 16:19
Try taking some antihistamines i have psirosis and that tends to stop the itch ither than that probably try some good moisturisors and see a gp rather than waiting for a specialist

21-08-15, 18:35
Thank you. I've checked it doesn't itch at all really but there are many small peeled circles on my fingers and on palms.
I used to get psoriasis on my elbows and it itched, this looks to me maybe like some reaction to detergent or smth from washing dishes or smth like that.
I would have to pay for my doctors visit so I'll do that if necessary, just thought that if someone had similar thing and it went away on it's own it's probably nothing.
It doesn't bother me at all, wouldn't notice it if it was somewhere else on my body...

---------- Post added at 17:35 ---------- Previous post was at 16:06 ----------

I don't want to Google it since I am sure for every even benign condition there is some serious disease, and I am done Googling.

21-08-15, 18:38
There is a type of exzema that affects your fingers and hands that causes circles of white dry skin that peel off and leave tender pink skin underneath. These circles can also look pitted on your finger ends.

I had this for years before I showed a Dr ( it came and went) and he told me what it was - sounded like pomplix:) exzema and one course of mild steriod cream cleared it up and it has never come back.

21-08-15, 19:11
Thank you country girl.

27-08-15, 09:57
It was dyshidrosis..doctor said not to put anything on it...it will go awqy on its own in autumn...so if anyone gets smth similar...

08-01-17, 21:53
I was in the same situation like you. Both my hands and feet skin were peeling. So I just let them peel all out the old dry skin and then I started to moisture the new skin layer (sounds like snake haha)
Here are my great natural moisturers I used:
- Olive oil: Heat some extra-virgin olive oil in the microwave, apply it to the affected skin areas and massage gently so that it can penetrate into the skin. Perform the treatment thrice regularly until your skin condition gets better.
- Aloe vera: Take an aloe vera leaf and extract its gel, add two teaspoons of the gel to a small dosage of vitamin E oil, rub the solution over the affected skin areas. Let it dry before washing off with warm water.
- Honey: Prepare a little amount of honey and rub it on the affected skin areas, leave it on for about 5 minutes, Let it stand for another 10 minutes then rinse it off with clean water.
If you're looking for more methods to treat dry skin, you can read here https://authorityremedies.com/home-remedies-for-peeling-skin/
Hope my post can help you out. :)