View Full Version : Lump Back of Neck

20-08-15, 20:12
Hi everyone.

I have never posted here, but I lurk all the time. You all make me feel so much better.

I am so scared right now. I've got a lump on the back of my neck, just to the right of one of my neck bones. It hurts when I squeeze it slightly, and it can move around a bit. It is less noticeable when my head is upright, but if I bend it down the lump sticks out a bit. It feels about a couple of cm across, and like a ball shape. Kind of like when you have a massive zit. I first noticed it a few months ago, but thought it was a zit so ignored it.

I've had some neck pain when I move my neck, which came on suddenly when I moved my neck into a weird position. So I've been massaging my neck, and then I noticed the lump was still there. Not sure if it has grown or not.

Can anyone put my mind at rest? I've googled, like an idiot, and now I'm sure I've got sarcoma or some other cancer.

Please help.

21-08-15, 20:18
I've booked a Doctors appointment for Tuesday. I don't k ow how I am going to cope until then :(

21-08-15, 20:27
Firstly - if you can move it, it's a very good sign. From what I know after all these years of worrying about different cancers, if it's a cancerous swelling then it's generally stagnant i.e. you can't move it.

You will cope - it will be hard but you'll get there. My sister went to the doctors recently with exactly the same thing you described and she was told it was absolutely nothing. 1 month later and it's shrunk a lot, almost gone.

Please don't worry yourself so much, but as I know you most likely will...ask for some help with your anxiety. That's what needs addressing I think!