View Full Version : Just been thinking.

21-08-15, 09:49

So earlier I have been thinking about my HA and when it started. It was around 4 months ago that I noticed my stool had changed so I went to my GP had some tests and was told IBS. I didn't question it as I had Googled before and been given Cancer but I didn't really have HA that bad at this point. I was told it wasn't that and was happy with the diagnosis.

After this the downward spiral began, I was Googling everything finding different lumps and bumps everywhere I diagnosed my self with around 8 different cancers in 2 months and was sure my number was up. However every times I went to my doctor they really weren't worried about what I had found but I never trusted them as most of us with HA don't.

Anyway I was thinking back to when this all started and I have have realised it may have been back when my brother got a new girlfriend, I sleep in a loft conversion so I can hear everything said the floor below me. My brother has a tendency to go on the phone at around 10 and stay on it till past midnight, of course I can hear all of this and as my brother is a really loud person it was effecting my sleep I wasn't getting as much as before it was interrupted all the time as well by noises and laughs.

So I was thinking is my IBS and HA due to the lack of sleep I have been getting for the last 4 months? I have had an endless eye twitch which is down to a mixer of stress and lack of sleep since this all started. I don't know if this is reaching but it seems all to fit within this time.
