View Full Version : Medication Dilemmas Do I or Don't I :-(

21-08-15, 11:36

So iv been having panic attacks/health anxiety for over a year now since I passed out at work.. I'm constantly worrying something is wrong with me so far iv had two rounds of cognitive behavioural therapy and at the time was really really helpful and the tips they teach I can still implement and prevent full blown attacks from getting really nasty.. But i'm still having loads of anxiety im constantly worried that symptoms cannot possibly be anxiety

I get:

light headedness
a feeling that I'm disconnected from everything not able to concentrate
feelings that I have to move and cant sit still
twinges in my chest
a throbbing pain in my left side of my tummy
tiredness and fatigue
overally emotional and tearful
a feeling of weak legs and arms
nausea and vomiting
that tight knotting feeling/butterflies in stomach

I am really struggling with it all at the moment and I just feel like its never going to go away.... iv been dead against medication from the word go and was determined I wasn't gonna have any form of medication mainly because I'm scared of the side affects and people have said that the medication limits your ability to feel things... I have another appointment with my GP on Monday to talk about it but I want to be dead certain on what I want to do I don't think they will send me back to therapy again and its such a long waiting list I'm confused and want to feel normal again???

Is anyone else feeling the same, has anyone regretted going on medication whats the best one with minimal side affects.... I work long shifts and nights and I really want something that's not going to affect me that much

Thanks :) xxxx

21-08-15, 13:14
Every one of the symptoms (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/articles/symptoms) you describe are anxiety related and this entire forum is full of similar posts.

It's great that you can draw on your CBT techniques and that puts you way ahead of the curve in helping yourself and your anxiety. Meds are a subjective thing and what works for one person may not for another. That being said, there's no harm in having a discussion with your GP.

Positive thoughts

21-08-15, 13:47
Make your life easy!! There is an initial period of hardship with the meds but once they are in your system they work and you get your life back.

I made the stupid mistake of stopping my SSRIs and now had to get back on them and going through some of the side effects.

Personally I choose the meds any day and anything else that will make my life easier.

Best of luck whatever you choose to do :)

21-08-15, 14:09
I didnt take the Meds i went with CBT and Stress management course and replaced Citalopram with Magnesium from holland and Barrett .

Not trying to say the med swap works for all but i would always advise to seek an alternative and discuss with the local stress / anxiety Councillor , these people can easily be reachable by self refferal which any GP can give you a form for .

Hope you find your way too :)

21-08-15, 16:35
I found that meds do help they don't stop it but have reduced mine . 10 weeks ago I started my latest episode and have been living in hell , thinking that I have cancer . My gp gave me some flupentixol and it has curbed my anxiety from all day to just a few hours .
I feel now in a position that I can manage my anxiety a lot better, where as 6 weeks ago I was out of control
I hope this is some help Toby

21-08-15, 18:09
Thanks guys you've been really helpful its a really tough decision for me
I'm sick of just taking my life day by day I wanna plan things and enjoy life
which is why I am leaning towards medication I'm starting uni in feb to do a tough degree and I really want to get a curb of my life before then <3 xx

21-08-15, 18:21
My daughter has anxiety and depression. She goes to therapy and takes a SSRI. It really, really helped her. After a really rough time, she's doing fantastic.

Positive thoughts

21-08-15, 21:12
I'll be totally honest. I've been on medication for my anxiety and depression for about 2 weeks now...and I don't doubt they're brilliant and do their job given enough time, but I think often you have to prepare yourself for quite a trying first couple of weeks. I've experienced sensations and feelings of dread that have taken me into a pretty dark place, but I'm now hopeful i'm over the worst of that.

I'm not trying to desuade you, and every medication is different of course. Just my perspective. I think they work well, but they do take time and waiting can be really hard, especially if you work or have a family etc.