View Full Version : moveable lump in leg

21-08-15, 19:10
theres a small moveable lump on my left leg i am freaking out .. i thought i had this anxiety under control and now another symptom has appeared. i am really worried, has anyone had something like this before?

21-08-15, 19:34
Yes I have had two lumps like you describe. One was a lipoma just a fatty lump, nothing to worry about, the other is a neurofibroma, just a lump near a nerve that is sometimes very painful but again just harmless. Stop worrying

21-08-15, 20:54
thanks for replying, how long have u had it for ?

21-08-15, 21:24
Yes I have one ( 10 years), behind my right knee.Its a Bakers Cyst in my case.

21-08-15, 21:32
Got a lipoma under my arm had it 25 years its the size if an egg now , i,m no doctor but i believe if its movable its ok .
Could get it removed but i can,t be bothered now at my age and no need anyway .
Strangely enough in those day when i first found it nothing concerned me my partner made me go to the Docs
Obviosly get it checked out but it will be nothing there very common

22-08-15, 13:47
I just am so scared, I haven't slept all night. I just cannot stop thinking about it. I am just so scared to go to the doctor. I also have a hard time trusting doctors because they can be wrong too. I just hate this feeling. I am constantly depressed now, because I am afraid I'm gonna die. :( I can't eat I am so depressed. I can't take this anymore. I don't wanna die :(

22-08-15, 15:37
Perhaps you could take some of your own advice about a lump.

I'm sure that its noting to worry about, I'm sure you've had it there for a long time, and its normal.

Positive thoughts

22-08-15, 19:28
I get tiny moveable lumps, I had one on my leg that I could push behind my shin bone, it lasted a year then went. Dr said it was a ganglion from a tendon which are different to ganglion from a bone but basically a fluid filled cyst. I now have one on my finger that I can move around quite happily all over my finger below my knuckle. I have had this one for over a year now. They never grow any bigger.

It is sensible to let your Dr feel it as I have done with both of mine but they know what they are looking for with anything nasty.

24-08-15, 23:53
I am smothered in lipomas, and I mean smothered! I have hundreds, too many to count.

Moveable is good. Does it feel rubbery?

As with all new lumps it is always wise to get it checked out. I don't get new ones checked or I would be there once a week but I also know what they feel like.

If it is a lipoma or a cyst, which I'm sure it is, they will know straight away.

18-09-21, 05:38
Did yours move around like a loose soft marble?

20-09-21, 17:07
Agreed, moveable is generally good. I have had several lipomas in my legs. I got scared when they first started showing up and insisted on having a couple removed (which were then confirmed as lipomas). I'm also prone to ganglion cysts (have way too many of those!). It's hell being lumpy!