View Full Version : Worrying Chest Symptoms

22-08-15, 02:07
Hi, I'm new to this forum but not new to anxiety. Had anxiety episodes for a decade now, and with my fiance away there is little to distract me from worrying!

So, I noticed recently (the last week or so) that I've been having some problems with my chest. This isn't a new thing, chest pain is a recurring symptom of my anxiety. I have seen the doctor more than a few times and every time they tell me I'm fine and that it is anxiety.

Anyway, the symptoms this time are a slight tightness in my chest (not unusual for my anxiety), some slight dizziness or light headedness, and I've also noticed that if I do something like sing, I run out of breath and I find myself having to breath in more making it harder to sing. I'm not a very active person and I know my diet could be better but last time I was at the doctors a few months ago I was told my heart sounded strong and my blood pressure and blood oxygen levels and everything were great.

That is pretty much it, no tingling, no pain in my limbs or jaw or any of the big warning signs. I'm not more tired than usual, my appetite is the same and I can still go about my day as normal without feeling like I need to rest (though like I said, I'm not as active as I should be).

So anyone know if this is typical anxiety related symptoms? Is there possibly something wrong with my heart or (as I suspect) my lungs?

Oh and I should add I'm a White British male, 5'7", roughly 140lbs, and the only long term medical complaints I have are hayfever and Vitamin B12 injections that I get once every three months.

22-08-15, 02:27
I get shortness of breath too....I think it's an anxiety thing...the more we worry the more it affects us.
I can get out of breath just walking normally sometimes...I think it's when I get self conscience

Try not to worry