View Full Version : anxiety

22-08-15, 03:31
Not very good at explaining I'm very nervous

So here it goes I have lost my mind very badly due to past events witch I find to hard to talk about I feel as if there's nothing left for me I just want to say goodbye and die tbh

I have no mates and most my days alone well everyday
My ex trapped my life and would never let me do out
She told everyone a fake lies about me

I cart sleep explain my self properly I can go happy then really anxious in minutes I have no family for support in only 22 and I don't wana be here
Everytime I get up there's no one to pull me up they all dragged me down and left me..

Ps sorry of its hard to to read what I say but I'm so lost I just don't no hue to turn to its rather me just ending it our asking I don't no I'm scared and paranoid even tho this site seems nonjudgmental is involved.

Anxiety bipolar physical pain emotions run deep shocks to the brain bef4 I go sleep feel of emptiness when around people suicidal thorts are so dark I could just do it without no one nowing

See right now I'm worried maybe they will laugh say this that and the other

But I'm asking help even advice.....

22-08-15, 03:39
Hi & welcome to the site. I'm so sorry you're feeling like this. No one should have to feel like this, ever. You're in the right place for support, but you also need to go to the docs and tell them how you're feeling. No one will laugh at you; you've just lost your way and need some help, as we all do. Xx

22-08-15, 06:12
I've been in that dark place. You will come out of the other side a lot stronger even though it probably feels like there's no end in sight. Take care of yourself and put yourself first. Be your own best friend and you'll eventually be so much happier.