View Full Version : Random bumpy texture on right forearm

Teleporting Banjo
22-08-15, 05:45
So I had just been chilling on the laptop, preparing to go to bed when I notice a few, scattered amount of small bumps on my left forearm. I get slightly nervous, but assure myself that nothing is wrong.

I casually glance at my right forearm, and notice that the top of it is mostly covered in these aforementioned bumps.

Boom, instant panic mode.

I, although currently shaking and checking for changes every few minutes, have calmed down enough to assess the situation further. I've checked on the forbidden Google, and surprisingly, it was pretty tame with trying to diagnose me with some sort of chicken skin condition.

Now, while I think I might actually have this on my upper arms, the description doesn't match what's going on with my forearm, and slightly my other forearm.

It seems more like an allergic reaction, though the only thing I know I'm allergic to is an unknown antibiotic I received as a baby. I have not taken any medication recently.

It doesn't itch or hurt, and it's not even red in any sense. It's just sort of bumpy and the arm occasionally feels odd when the skin is tugged, like it doesn't want to stretch. It's not on my hand.

My prime suspect is a small red bump on the same forearm. I noticed it earlier today, and I can still stare at it now, though staring at it does not seem to intimidate it in the slightest. The online world points to tick bite, though I haven't seen any ticks, and I check for ticks often. It could also be a spider, since I live in a basement apartment.

Just talked to my mom. She says it looks a bit like allergies. I'm not suffering any other symptoms, though I will keep watch for anything worsening.

Any advice, or someone to just cheer me up a bit?

Teleporting Banjo
22-08-15, 13:09
Well, it's the next morning, and it seems that whatever it is is gone now.

I'm going to keep an eye on it today since I'm going back to the cottage. If anything causes it there I expect to notice it.

Wish me luck!