View Full Version : Scared of Lump

22-08-15, 13:55
I have a lump about the size of a pea on the back of the bone between my left eye and left temple area. It feels very hard almost like it is part of the bone and I do not remember it ever being painful. I am worried that this could be some sort of cancer. It has been there for quite a while (1 year plus but could be much longer) and could have increased slightly in size but I dont remember how big it was before. Does anyone have any idea what it is. Im terrified of going to the doctors. I know no one here is a doctor but any info would be helpful. It can also be felt if I put my finger into the little space between my eye and the bone but its a little lower than the one on the outside so may not be the same thing but I can also feel this on the other side but a bit higher on the inside area but not on the temple. Should I be worried. I am about 20 which makes cancer unlikely but what do you guys think? I have read that if it was cancer I would get pain which I dont remember getting which is calming me down a little bit.I do however get pain sometimes in the left side of my forehead going back to the middle of my head and sometimes my left ear feels weird like its been blocked and when i start thinking about it the left side of my head all starts for feel strange and rarely I have problems balancing which used to happen a lot but now happen much less often and not nearly as bad. Also I have had a little bit of leg pain. This is scaring me as I start thinking what if the cancer has spread to my brain and spine and I go to the doctor for him to tell me I only have so long left to live. Please anyone with any advice or info on what this could be reply. Also I used to have neck pain quite often but haven't had it for a while now which is fueling my worries. Also after I touch it for a while and feel around it the area feels different for a small amount of time but this is obviously because I am focused on the area and have been touching it.

22-08-15, 14:08

it sounds to me as though you've been checking yourself for symptoms. You could do that right now on any part of your body and find something that worries you...anatomy isn't perfect and our bodies are full of bumps and bones that send our HA crazy if we let it.

My thing is oral fixation; I'm constantly shining lights into my mouth and find new things almost on a daily basis.

So please remember this is anxiety and you've got to stop checking yourself for things because there will always be something that will trigger off the fear if you do.


22-08-15, 14:15
Its not that new i noticed it quite a while ago but i dont remember exactly when but im starting to panic. I do believe it would have grown to bigger than a pea in more than a year though. I have also had times where I have had an oral fixation which is scary as it does change a lot and as you dont see that area a lot you notice changes i definitely understand you bit its hard to stay strong at times.

22-08-15, 14:18
I'm sure that its noting to worry about, I'm sure you've had it there for a long time, and its normal.