View Full Version : Another question about a dark mole....

22-08-15, 17:23
I just discovered a dark mole on my leg today. It's on the side of my knee joint area.

I measured it and it's about 2mm by 2mm. But the thing worrying me is that leading up to it, and also around it are quite prominent what look like varicose veins. I don't have them on my other leg in the same place. The mole itself is darker than most I have on my body. Its very dark brown but has very defined edges and is almost perfectly round (which is actually quite rare for the moles I have lol). As I said the thing worrying me are these visible veins/capillaries that seem to be around it. I know I've posted a lot of mole stuff lately and I'm doing all I can to stop my health anxiety so, I know this may sound harsh but I'd really prefer if there were no replies about that. What I'm seeking here is some reassurance (if possible) as I'm in quite a stressed state about it at the moment. I've uploaded a picture for you to see... Excuse the hair, I have quite hairy legs LOL.

Please let me know what you guys think... I'd really appreciate any opinions :(


22-08-15, 17:32
Is it definitely a mole? Is it raised or flush with the skin? I would say it's unrelated

22-08-15, 17:34
The mole itself is 100% a mole lol. It's SLIGHTLY raised... I feel like if I run my finger over it I can feel that it's VERY SLIGHTLY raised off the skin. You don't think those veins are related to it at all?

Why do you ask if it's definitely a mole?

22-08-15, 17:41
The only reason why I asked is cos I went to the dr ( a few times actually) during my mole obsession & half my moles aren't even moles they are just beauty spots the Dr called them lol flush with the skin & not raised.

I really don't think they are related.

I went to the dr with my birthmark, I've got veins all round it & the dr said it was pefectly normal ( if I knew how I would show you) we have veins everywhere. I wouldn't worry

22-08-15, 17:43
I just use the word mole for any type of beauty spot on the skin... I realise that usually they are used for the bigger more raised ones....

I mean the mole doesn't have ANY of the other characteristics of something sinister... It's quite dark but not black or anything... just those veins around it. I have them NOWHERE else on my legs, JUST THERE....

22-08-15, 17:48
Yeah I do too

If you're really worried go to the dr but I wouldn't worry

22-08-15, 17:52
I'm definitely gonna go to the doctor but have to wait till Monday now... It's ruined my weekend as I'm just totally panicked at the moment.