View Full Version : Just woke up and now heart is beating fast

23-08-15, 06:21
It's been a while since I felt like this and have got scared:weep::weep:

It's only 6am and I woke up a little while ago, got up to go to the loo and when I got back to bed my heart was beating really fast. Got scared so it went even faster.:wacko:

I'm so tired and wanna go back to sleep but heart seems to beat even faster laying down:weep::weep:

I'm sure it will go down and I will be alright but am a bit anxious at the moment.


23-08-15, 06:54
Sorry to hear this. :hugs:

How about trying some deep breathing or calming breathing techniques? They should help you slow your HR down.

Lieing down can make us focus on it more so it can help to get up and do a few chores just as a distraction and to burn off a bit of adrenaline.

I know it's scary, buy like you said you haven't felt like this for a while so it could just be a one off for whatever reason so don't think it could keep happening.

23-08-15, 12:37
This happens to me a lot. I sit on the toilet after waking up a few mins before and my heart pounds to the point I think its just going to cut out. I usually just sit there on the toilet until it passes. I put my hand over my heart and feel how fast its pounding and I either say out loud or in my head "ok heart, time to slow down now, slow down" in a calm manner and it usually settles within 30 secs to a min. The first time I had that though it gave me an awful panic attack. I was already ill and weak from a stomach bug and woke up really quickly with cramps so the pounding heart just threw me over the edge and a full on panic (worst one I have ever had) came on me.

02-09-15, 08:32
Thank you Terry and GingerFish for your replies. Sorry it's late, I haven't been on here since!

Needless to say that my heart rate did go down, as per usual, it's just frightening at the time:blush:
