View Full Version : How do you know?

23-08-15, 11:30
That it isn't something more sinister?
I am sure i have depersonalisation… that I'm here but not really here? that I'm on another planet?

I also get shaky and clammy and a weakness that comes over me. how do i know this is panic and nothing else?

23-08-15, 12:34
When I have a severe panic attack that gives me DP/DR and makes me believe I am dying, it scares the living daylights out of me but I always try and think to myself in that moment "well if you feel like you are dying or going crazy and you are so worried about it, why aren't you calling 999? Surely if you really believe you are dying or going crazy, you would know to call for help so do it" but I never do because I know deep down its just a panic attack though its soooo hard to convince myself of that in the moment and that its not something sinister or life threatening.

23-08-15, 13:42
You are so right but its so hard - i am so fed up right now x