View Full Version : increasing Ven -advice please

23-08-15, 14:25

I know no one on here can actually tell me whether to do this or not but I was just wondering what the procedure is for increasing Ven.

My GP gave me a prescription and the instructions say "take one 37.5mg tablet a day if no problems increase to two tablets per day".

The thing is it doesn't say when I should increase. I do feel that the Ven is having some effect, I've had a few side effects but so far nothing that's not been manageable and they seem to be the fairly standard things most people experience.

I would have been on them two weeks Wed and I'm not sure whether to increase to two a day then or not. I am speaking to my GP in a couple of weeks but I didn't want to leave it that long if she's expecting me to increase sooner.

Does anyone know how long you normally leave between stepping up doses?


23-08-15, 17:55
Hi when I started ven I started on 37,5mg and gradually increased, i can't quite remember how long it was inbetween but I got ramped up pretty quickly, i think if I was you I would be inclined to increase now after 2 weeks but don't be afraid if the side effects kick in again as this is totally normal, good luck XX

23-08-15, 18:31
I was increased very quickly! I went straight from Citalopram to 75mg Ven for a week then a week later to 150mg for 4 weeks. You're on a very low dose so I would say if you're not experiencing any side effects then start taking the second one tomorrow.

I've just been upped to 225mg. I feel like I'm on such a high dose compared to everyone else :-/ I'm on day 4 of the increase and am definitely feeling some side effects. I just hope this is the dose that helps me to turn a corner.

Nicola, I've read some of your old threads. I know it took a while for Ven to stabilise for you. How are you doing now? Xx

23-08-15, 19:43
Thanks Guys, I was thinking I should increase but wasn't sure due to there not being anything written on the medication. I'll give it a go.:)

23-08-15, 20:03
I went straight to 75mg as well, from 7.5mg mirtazapine so almost nothing. And that prescription is from a doc who thought a benzo now and then depending on how anxious I am would be too strong for me (and I get very anxious). Unless there are any medical precautions, I would suggest you increase it as well. I hope you don't get any nasty side effects, good luck!

24-08-15, 00:07
Are those instructions printed on the pharmacist label or from your GP specifically? If your GP, it must be safe to them for your individual case.

The only thing I would say is always ensure blood plasma stabilisation, known as "steady-state", before adjusting. This is normally 5X the half life of a drug. At least then you know your blood values are stable.

Just remember that Serotonin changes are twofold. It takes more 4-6 weeks for the number of receptor sites to be reduced and until this time it is filling up the space between. This is why people are normally waiting, so if you adjust early I'm not sure whether that still occurs but only at the original dosage (until another 4-6 weeks after starting the increase) so keep in mind how changes in how you feel could occur in a "stepped" manner.

EDIT: I was reading something earlier and spotted Ven reaches "steady-state" in 3 days.

24-08-15, 07:00
I was increased very quickly! I went straight from Citalopram to 75mg Ven for a week then a week later to 150mg for 4 weeks. You're on a very low dosseeo I would say if you're not experiencing any side effects then start taking the second one tomorrow.

I've just been upped to 225mg. I feel like I'm on such a high dose compared to everyone else :-/ I'm on day 4 of the increase and am definitely feeling some side effects. I just hope this is the dose that helps me to turn a corner.

Nicola, I've read some of your old threads. I know it took a while for Ven to stabilise for you. How are you doing now? Xx

Hi Laala, it took me a long while to settle on my dose of 187.5mg, when I increased from 150mg to thaw the side effects were awful as that's when ven kicks in as an SRNI so it hits more receptors in your brain and I'll be honest it was tough going, my anxiety increased to a level I'd never experienced before which petrified me but I stuck it out and I'm so glad I did as I feel so much better now, normal actually lol, i have bad days still but doesn't everyone? XX

24-08-15, 12:36
Thanks Nicola. That's really good to know and I'm so glad it's worked for you. I'm hoping for the same! I'm on day 5 of the increase and definitely feeling a bit odd with it all. I hope it settles soon. I also wish I had a crystal ball ;) if someone could tell me I'll definitely feel better in x weeks then I'd be able to stop stressing about it all xx

28-08-15, 17:25
Hi guys sorry I've been away for a few days and haven't had internet access to reply.

I've actually been feeling ok the last few days, the anxiety is still there a bit but nowhere near like it was and I'm feeling better about things in general. I've managed to go out every day for the last few days and despite worrying about feeling weak and panicky I've actually been fine. I've also gone back to eating normally and whilst it's still taking a while to get to sleep I'm finding once I am asleep I'm getting a decent night so I think the Effexor is definitely helping.

I'm going to up my dose as I think I probably need a bit more but I'm hoping that if the 37.5mg has had this effect I might not need to go much higher than 75mg but will wait and see.

Terry the instructions were from the GP so I guess she must think it's ok to use my judgement.:)

29-08-15, 03:20
That's right, Munchlet, it is quite possible you may be good with 75 mg and not need more. :) I did very well for months on it!