View Full Version : Anxiety disorder around traumatic relationship event Please help

23-08-15, 17:36
Hi,this is going to be quite long but I would be very appreciative to anyone who would take the time to try and help me. Over the past three weeks I have been getting very anxious over events from the past in my current relationship. My girlfriend that I've had for two years now slept with another guy about a month before we got together. We had been talking for a long time before that and although we weren't actually together at the time this was a big blow for me and really hurt me. Over the time we've been together this has bothered me to varying degrees for a large part of our relationship. Recently I had begun to have the longest period of time of about three months or so that I've had being pretty much free from being troubled by it but recently it has come back up in a big way. I should also mention that I haven't talked to her about my feelings to her sleeping with this guy for a long time now probably about a year.

I was at her house and I can't exactly remember but I started thinking about it and I remember being really down and not being able to get it out of my head, the thoughts resembled anxiety more than anger or resentment. The presiding thought that was causing me pain was 'what if' thoughts such as 'What if I can't forgive her' and 'What if I haven't forgiven her'. I came home from being at her house and had a bit of a breakdown. The thought of 'what if this always haunts me' was the thing that really flew me off, it made me extremely anxious and fearful, I felt trapped and I broke down crying. I managed to pick myself up but I still felt extremely anxious.

Up until that day I had been having the longest period of it really not bothering me much at all that Id had for a long time which is why I think the small reemergence of it while I was at her house snowballed into such a devastating episode.

The next few days I was feeling very anxious unable to concentrate on anything constantly anxious about the intense episode of fear and anxiety that I had had the the night I broke down, it isn't so much me obsessing over details of the events but is the constant fear of the possibility that I will never be able to not have the images in my head constantly, I get images of the two of them together and the other guys face in my head but if I sit and purposely bring up the images of her and the other guy together I can think about them with detail and clarity and they do very little in terms of making me sad or anxious which I have found very strange.I am unaware of the nature of what is causing me anxiety and this is what is really disturbing me.

Over the next two weeks I have been battling with this and I am finding it very confusing. I feel no want to hurt her and no feelings of anger or resentment towards her, I really do love her she is my entire world. And I am finding it hard to discern as to whether my anxiety is being caused by a lack of forgiveness for her or whether it is an anxiety disorder that has almost just latched onto this traumatic past event. I find that I go up and down thinking I have a found a way to get over it and feeling better for a while and then my fear of the anxiety causes me to relapse and go straight back into being very anxious, it is exhausting. I also find that sometimes the anxiety being towards this event subsides but that I still feel very anxious unaware of really why I am feeling anxious. This makes me sort of grasp for a reason as to why I am feeling this way and I usually cling to this event in my relationship again. My anxiety presents itself in different ways almost day to day. I have had days where I can't stop images in my head and would get thoughts such as 'She ****ed him' when I looked at her and other days where I get no images but just a sense that I am on constantly on guard for anxious thoughts or feeling which in itself is the anxiety.

I have been doing a lot of looking on the internet to find resources on overcoming cheating and also anxiety disorders but I tend to find the symptoms of each don't quite match up with how I feel. I am confused as to what is actually causing me so much distress. Whether it is underlying anxiety that was set off by my breakdown or whether is is actually in me not being able to accept that traumatic event. As my symptoms seem to be very much like an anxiety disorder, I constantly think about and are checking how I am feeling and the main feeling I get is fear not so much anger or resentment to my partner. Please can someone offer me some advice with this as it is making life very difficult and confusing. I absolutely cannot break up with my girlfriend as she literally means everything to me.

Many thanks for any help.

23-08-15, 19:16
I can understand that it hurt you but with respect, you weren't "together" at the time so how is that cheating? Perhaps it's because you had stronger feelings before you officially became a couple? If you love her as you say you do, I would look into some counseling as the feelings you're experiencing could very well cause future issues.

Positive thoughts

23-08-15, 19:41
I would try to find out why her sleeping with the other man makes you anxious. She didn't cheat on you from the sound of it, and frankly, there's nothing to 'forgive' because she didn't do anything wrong.

Are you afraid she may have feelings for this man, even though she is no longer 'with' him? Are you afraid that you don't compare to him in some way?

I agree with Fishmanpa - you may want to go in for counseling, perhaps by yourself or maybe with your girlfriend too if this is bothering you. Hopefully, a counselor can help you get to the bottom of why you are specifically feeling the way you do, and can help you move past it.

It may well be anxiety or self esteem that is latching onto this event; clearly it bothered you for some reason and you may, subconsciously, be using it as "evidence" to justify feeling the way that you do. Again, hopefully a counselor can help you with that.

24-08-15, 00:52
I'm thinking this is similar to ROCD it might be worth reading threads about that. There are some women on here with ROCD you could talk to.

Whilst it isn't technically cheating, I get how you could be hurt by it when you believed you were working towards forming a relationship. I think that would bother me too but if she didn't share the same feelings for you at the time, it wouldn't be a consideration for her at the time.

How did she feel back then?

24-08-15, 10:24
I think this is just a case of I don't want to think about it, I don't want to think about it and of course then you can't stop thinking about it. So the more you try not to the more you will think about it. Whereas if you just ignore your thoughts as anxious thoughts that will pass eventually they will.
She didn't cheat, you are not angry, this is all a result of anxiety xx