View Full Version : Hello :)

23-08-15, 21:15
Hi everybody,

It has been a long time since I joined or posted on a forum but I am so glad I stumbled across this one. For the past 2 to 3 years I have suffered from HA. I am a student approaching my final year and graduation. I'm 21 and should be enjoying my life but I'm constantly anxious about my health :weep:.

It all started with chest pain after a horrible Summer after suffering Glandular Fever. I would wake in the night with sharp pains in my chest and heart palpitations. As you probably all know, this would make me anxious and then the pains would get worse - vicious cycle. One night this happened and I was so concerned I called NHS24 and ended up having an embarrassing episode involving an ambulance and a perfect ECG. However, as the years have gone on I have regularly (daily/weekly) suffered from bouts of chest pain and heart palpitations. I have visited my GP on several occasions regarding this and I am forever told I'm just having anxiety attacks. I'm sure that is the case but I still have a niggling feeling they are being too admissive and one day I will genuinely have a heart attack that could have been prevented.

Another issue is that ever since my bout of Glandular Fever I regularly have raised lymph nodes and glands in my neck. I recently discovered a lump on my neck and convinced myself it was Lymphoma only to be told by my GP it was yet another swollen lymph node. Feeling very silly after that one.

I also suffer from IBS which I think encourages my anxiety but maybe I just like to find an excuse for it?

My boyfriend and parents are at their wits end with me as are my friends who all see me as an annoying hypochondriac. Feeling quite lonely in my anxiety. The GP has prescribed anti-depressants in an attempt to control my health anxiety but I haven't yet taken them out of fear they will make the anxiety worse. Really just need people who understand what I'm going through to talk to!!

23-08-15, 21:21
Hi anxiouscatlady
Well you will certainly find plenty of people here who know what you are going through. Me for one lol
Have you ever had any therapy for this? Xx

23-08-15, 21:21
Hiya anxiouscatlady and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

23-08-15, 21:23
Hi anxiouscatlady
Well you will certainly find plenty of people here who know what you are going through. Me for one lol
Have you ever had any therapy for this? Xx

Hi sial72,

Nope no therapy! Asked my GP to refer me for counselling but was refused. xx

24-08-15, 00:05
Hi and welcome. You were refused?? But he's quite happy to send you off with a box of pills? What a plonker. Where I live the service is called talking therapies and you don't have to have a GP referral. Maybe you could google it for your area or go to a different doctor. What anti depressants did they give you? I had some but didn't like the side effects, however there's hundreds of people on here who swear by them x

24-08-15, 02:10
I can't resist saying hi to another cat lady! Hi anxiouscatlady!! I'm glad you took the step to reach out on here, and I hope you find these boards as useful as I have. Don't feel silly, it isn't *JUST* anxiety, it's anxiety and it can feel very real and very scary. Don't ever diminish what you feel.
You're in good company, and you're definitely not alone in your experience. I'm glad you're here!!

24-08-15, 23:43
Glandular fever is mono correct? Mono can cause issues with anxiety and depression I have read. I beleive this was part of my last flare up as well. I also have a swollen lymph node in my neck that has been like that for a couple years and the doctors don't seem to care about it. So I share some of the same issues. Hope you are feeling better soon :)

25-08-15, 10:18
Hi and welcome. You were refused?? But he's quite happy to send you off with a box of pills? What a plonker. Where I live the service is called talking therapies and you don't have to have a GP referral. Maybe you could google it for your area or go to a different doctor. What anti depressants did they give you? I had some but didn't like the side effects, however there's hundreds of people on here who swear by them x

Yeah exactly. I think there might be a supply and demand problem in my area regarding counselling. I'll google that, thank you! The anti-depressants I was given are called "Citalopram".x

---------- Post added at 10:16 ---------- Previous post was at 10:14 ----------

I can't resist saying hi to another cat lady! Hi anxiouscatlady!! I'm glad you took the step to reach out on here, and I hope you find these boards as useful as I have. Don't feel silly, it isn't *JUST* anxiety, it's anxiety and it can feel very real and very scary. Don't ever diminish what you feel.
You're in good company, and you're definitely not alone in your experience. I'm glad you're here!!

Hi catsandnaps!! Always great to meet a fellow cat lady! I hope so too, it's already making me feel better knowing there are people who actually understand what I'm going through. Thanks for the warm welcome :)

---------- Post added at 10:18 ---------- Previous post was at 10:16 ----------

Glandular fever is mono correct? Mono can cause issues with anxiety and depression I have read. I beleive this was part of my last flare up as well. I also have a swollen lymph node in my neck that has been like that for a couple years and the doctors don't seem to care about it. So I share some of the same issues. Hope you are feeling better soon :)

Yes GF is mono! Oh really? I wasn't aware of that, it would explain a lot however. That makes me feel a whole lot better that someone else shares my symptoms! If you're alright after a couple years then I should be fine lol.

31-08-15, 00:58

I have problems with anxiety (not HA, but Gad and panic attacks)... And have been using SSRIs for several months. I also had glandular fever about the same age as you (I am much older than you now though)... Anyway help you find the site useful and if I can help in any way please get in touch!
