View Full Version : Terrifed of going abroad...advise needed

24-08-15, 11:35
So I'm due to go on holiday with my partner within the next few weeks and I'm incredibly anxious and nervous about it. I haven't been abroad in over a year as I generally feel too anxious to do so. We decided to book a holiday as I thought I cannot restrict myself for ever and I have to do these things as I refuse to let anxiety rule my life!
We are only going to Europe and we are going for 10 days, but I am absolutely terrified of needing medical help or being admitted to hospital whilst abroad. I suffer with chronic anxiety and health anxiety, I have so far not had any tests come back showing any abnormalities but I suffer with severe breathing difficulties, heart palpitations and ectopic beats/pvc's, headaches, nausea and chest pain which has so far all been blamed on anxiety. I am awaiting a cardiology appointment which will now probably be after my holiday, and I'm so terrified of needing hospital treatment whilst I'm on holiday that I am not excited about going abroad at all now:weep:.
My partner is really looking forward to it and it cost us a lot of money that I want to enjoy it as much as I can, but anxiety seems to be ruling it as usual!
Has anyone got any advice for me that I could take with me, has anyone that suffers with bad anxiety been on holiday this summer and can offer me any reassurance?
Anxiety seems to rule everything and it's so frustrating!
Thank you x

24-08-15, 11:44
Sorry to hear how much you are dreading your trip... I know from experience how awful that can be and haven't been abroad myself (or away for more than two or three days in the UK) for around 3 years now and have had to cancel several holidays at the last minute due to my worries.

If you break down your main fears, perhaps that will help to ease the anxiety a little?

With regards to requiring medical assistance whilst away, obviously that is very very unlikely, but even if it did happen, the facilities right across Europe are just as good as we have here and as long as you have some travel insurance covering you, you will be absolutely fine. All doctors and nurses speak English and you would be very well taken care of :) A friend of mine was injured during a holiday this year in Bulgaria and said that the hospital treatment he received was amazing.

With the wealth of information online these days, maybe you could check out exactly where you will be staying and the other places nearby, so when you arrive it doesn't seem quite so new or frightening, and also this way you can already have a good idea of some nice things to do during your trip.

I'm about to take an 8 hour flight in two weeks time, so I definitely share in your current apprehension, but this time around I am determined to not let it beat me. Yes, I may have a few moments where I don't feel great, but this is my life and I am going to share in some good times with friends and loved ones as and when I choose to :)

24-08-15, 12:01
Hiya White,
I have just got back from my Annual trip to Barcelona , i had all the same fears before i went , the whats ifs and the hows etc .
I managed to reassure myself and think about what i would do if anything happened like an anxiety attack or panic attack, Its not ever good to have Safety behaviors but i planned a few things i would do if something happened .
In the end everything was great because i made myself busy and well when on holiday you can relax more too :) .
despite a couple of Depersonalisation moments when chatting to people , i had a fantastic time .

Hope you do too :)

24-08-15, 12:17
hi anxietydj and deanosbeano,

thank you so much for your replies, they were both really reassuring to read. I will definitely try to check out the local area online to make myself feel a bit more at ease, and try to break down my fears a little (I don't really know what I'm worrying will happen to me but it sure is something!!)
the flight frightens me quite a lot as I know if I had a heart attack (I'm 26...unlikely lol) I would be stuck in the air and would be forced to die, sounds ridiculous when I write it down but the fear is very real in my head!
I always feel after a few days in a hotel I get used to it and start to see my room as a 'safety zone' where I feel safe in and I can come back to if I have a panic attack. I hope that happens this time!
i'll try and relax and look forward to it as best I can, think you for your support!

24-08-15, 12:28
Hi White ,
Sounds like your already well on with it :) ,
Always best not to plan Safety Zones so much because you can spoil a good day out by wanting to get back ASAP , I tried safety behaviour , for instance i carried a bottle of water and had a sip if i felt a little out of sorts , Bad advice really i know but sometimes we got to look at the longterm via a few Short term measures ;)
hope you have a great time and above all else . tell those around you , "HEY , sometimes i might get a little anxious and behave a little strange or distant , im ok just give me some breathing space and ill be back on the planet in 5 mins " :)

24-08-15, 14:26
thanks deanosbeano!

you're right that safety zones are an unhealthy measure, I try to avoid doing conscious ones but sometimes I do it subconsciously, and I like to know I have a safe place to run to if I'm having a funny turn lol!

thank you for your support, and you're right I guess I need to stop beating myself up for having little anxious moments, we shouldn't feel embarrassed/ashamed as I usually do!

25-08-15, 20:54
Are you on any medication? I don't like seeing people medicated but from the number of threads you make, I really think you should be.

There's no way in hell you could have something medically wrong causing all your symptoms and not know what it is after all the tests you've had.

I also hate when doctors pin everything on anxiety but I really think it is from the sound of it. If you had an illness/disease that causes you to feel like you're about to choke to death, unable to breathe, heart palpitations, headaches and nausea.. it would have to be something easily detected by any doctor.

I'd tell you to relax but I think it's impossible for you to relax. I really hope you find something that helps you soon.