View Full Version : Trying to fight Health Anxiety / Mild Depression

24-08-15, 13:12
Hi All, stumbled across this website today and decided it would be nice to talk to people with similar problems as myself and see how they cope and get through things.

For me it all started about 6-7 years ago when my mum had a heart attack... i started experiencing panic attacks and obsessing that it was going to happen to me. My mum was okay and i asked her about our family history, (she didn't know i was starting with anxiety, i hid it well) she told me that her mum died very young when my mum was 2 and her mums brother died really young.... all with heart attacks. So i went off and got my self a full check, on doing this they found i had very high cholesterol but said not to worry as everything else was fine and i just had to start taking statins. After the tests i was reasurred a little and managed to cope with the next few years with my anxiety even if some days were worse than others.

December 9th 2014. Mum goes in for a stent fitting and doesn't make it. She was 55!..... this has sent me completely over the edge! My anxiety symptoms are now on another level, my chest constantly feels heavy, i get aches and pains all over, completely shattered all the time, shortness of breath, panicking that i'm next.. i'm so tuned in to my heart rhythm that even the slightest palpitation or flutter makes me fear the worse. I won't even exercise for fear of something happening to me.

Anyway i start CBT Therapy in 2 weeks so fingers crossed it helps!

Thank you for taking the time to read my post, sorry it goes on but just needed to get it off my chest as i do thinks it helps a little.

Gina x

24-08-15, 13:19
Hiya Gina32 and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

24-08-15, 13:31
Hey, welcome to the site! :welcome:

Hope your stay is a good one and that you can find some help and advice while you're here :)

24-08-15, 13:44
Awww thanks guys :) feels kinda nice to have people to talk to that are experiencing the same things. Hopefully it will help a little! :)

24-08-15, 14:22
Awww thanks guys :) feels kinda nice to have people to talk to that are experiencing the same things. Hopefully it will help a little! :)

It definitely does (in my opinion, at least!) :)

There are some really great people here and lots of useful info, so I'm sure it will be helpful to you :yesyes:

24-08-15, 18:30
Hi, I have been suffering with health anxiety for about 4 years now,and the people on here have been a great support to me.

I'm sure the will be for you also.

Take care x

25-08-15, 12:18
Hi Whippy, aww thank you :) it already feels good to talk to people with the same problem as sometimes you really do think it's just you that is suffering!

Gina x

25-08-15, 13:47
Hi Gina!

I've suffered with health anxiety for nearly 2 years now, and I sympathise with you as its really not an easy ride! I've found this forum a great support and its refreshing to find people with similar symptoms as yourself as sometimes I thought I was completely alone.
I have the constant heart and breathing anxiety like you, not a day goes back when I don't get really tight chested, get heart flutters and chest pain, and every day I feel like its the worst bout I've had yet and its definitely going to kill me!! The amount of times I've been to my local a&e I could probably start to call it my part time home :roflmao:hope you find some support on here, feel free to drop me a message to share experiences or support x

25-08-15, 16:17
Hello and welcome :)