View Full Version : Lymph nodes

24-08-15, 22:46
Hello I'm 22 and for about 9 + years I've had lymph nodes the size of peas in groin neck and armpit there's 8 total. They all move and kind of soft or rubbery. There's 3 in groin, 2 in same place on each side and one in each armpit. They have not changed size ever. The one in my left armpit is the only new one, it happen 9 months ago right after the first time I've ever shaved my armpit. It's 1.5 cm long not to thick I thibk , the biggest one I can move it anywhere and grab it with my fingers and roll it around. This got me worried because it's new, and showed up after I shaved. Been stressing about lymph nodes since then the others ones didn't bother me because I've had them forever . Any suggestion or help to calm me

None of them have changed size including new one. I also have a infected wisdom tooth for past year.

Heathly, gym everyday and no other symptoms

24-08-15, 22:57
Maybe you just didn't feel it before? I have lots deep in my armpit, they're supposed to be there, everyone has them. You will have a lot more than 8. If they're not massive and growing, why are you worried? My little boy had one sticking out of his side under his arm that I could see easily the other day when bathing him. Dr literally couldn't care less, said it's completely normal to have little glands all over your body that move around etc. Unless it's extremely large and sticking out,leave them alone

24-08-15, 23:00
Every now and then I stumble across my lymph nodes. Turns out... I just never looked for them. You forget they're there.

I once had the lymph nodes swell in my neck. They were golf ball sized. I instantly assumed the worst. The doctor saw me the next day. I ended up with some numbing gurgle stuff because my throat irritation caused it to swell.

25-08-15, 01:47
I understand how you feel. I have had previous issues with lymph nodes and now having a very big scare over one but it doesn't sound like yours. Mine is red, and swollen, very different from what you have described. Four years ago however my nodes swollen up a after a bad virus so I checked them a lot, and what you describe with most of yours is what mine were like after they had gone down. In other words, they sound normal..hope this helps a bit

25-08-15, 15:59
Mine are all close to skin I can feel really easily, you can't see them though, but very easy to feel. The armpit one worries me because it's new but hasn't grown since I found it 9 months ago. Are these just all normal lymph nodes ??

25-08-15, 16:15
Mine are all close to skin I can feel really easily, you can't see them though, but very easy to feel. The armpit one worries me because it's new but hasn't grown since I found it 9 months ago. Are these just all normal lymph nodes ??

IMO yes. "Normal" lymph nodes can be up to 2cm in size. If they haven't grown, then you have nothing to be concerned with.

Don't poke and prod them as that will irritate and cause them to swell or even become shotty.

POsitive thoughts

25-08-15, 16:28
Had them for 9 years at least I think they are shoddy by now.

Thanks for the help made me worry way less

04-09-15, 07:12
Still concerned about armpit one I think it's the size of a finger and half. I can pinch and move it around everywhere. Should I be concerned

08-09-15, 15:31
It's very easily to feel I just put fingers in armpit and feel instantly im worried about this one a lot even though people keep telling me it's fine as long as it not growing or oddly shaped, it's very smooth and like a bean

08-09-15, 19:37
I've had enlarged lymph nodes for years following an infection (Mononucleosis in my case), made me pretty anxious occasionally. However, having enlarged lymph nodes is very common and harmless, especially in reaction to an infecton (your wisdom tooth).

Get it checked out by a GP to put your mind to rest, but honestly, it's nothing to worry about.

09-09-15, 01:11
How big did they become

09-09-15, 07:09
nice information

09-09-15, 14:42
It feels like an Almond I can't stop touching it, would it keep growing if it was lympohma , how would it feel, mine is really smooth and even through out whole lymph node. Movable. Rubbery.

Could it be from shaving 8 months ago or from wisdom tooth or from skin problem on scalp

09-09-15, 15:25
I had a node in my neck. I really prodded and moved it. The Dr told me to leave it alone, and come back in a month. But I insisted on getting an u/s right away.
The scan showed 3 swollen nodes, one was 2.4cm * 1.2cm and looked suspicious.

I ended up having to wait 6 weeks and saw a specialist. He sees lots of cancers. By that time it had shrank about 1/2 the size. He told me cancer never shrinks, it only grows.

I had a repeat scan, all was good.

4 yrs later - node still there if I was to look. Which I don't. Please don't obsess and play with it. Get help. Emotional help, and work on that.

09-09-15, 16:24
But mine hasn't changed size since I discovered it, just wondering if it would change and grow if there was something major all my other nodes are smaller then a pea around body

18-09-15, 06:34
Why can I feel small ones in all regions armpits groin and neck , only 9 of them and smaller then a pea

11-11-15, 07:25
Armpit one is still large and still scaring me, 2 cms. Why do I have all the other ones as well

11-11-15, 16:53
I have one 2cm lump on my right shin, another slightly smaller one on my left. A 5cm lump in my right groin, a larger one in my right armpit. 6 under my jaw line, one on my neck on the right side and multiple little ones in my clavicle.

Point being, I have many many lumps on me and I'm not sick. It CAN be entirely normal.

As anyone will ever tell you, if they continue to grow or you notice lots of changes, please do get it checked out, but also realize that this can and most likely is entirely normal.