View Full Version : how long does panic last or is it anixety

07-02-07, 19:13
i hav read that panics only last from start to end half hour, why do i feel like im having panic for hours, or is what im feeling anixety. what do others think or find.thank you


eddie d
07-02-07, 19:32
i find that panic ?anxiety can be there for hours or even weeks it s the degree that varies .often its just sort of under the surface and is actually a fear off the panic becomung worse ,i think .

07-02-07, 21:09
Lengths of panic attacks vary from one person to the other. I've had some which lasted 10 minutes right up to one which lasted 5 or 6 hours.

Anxiety varies too.

"My teddy last night was a paper bag, to keep my safe."

07-02-07, 22:48
i refer to them as anxiety attcks...as they go but left with crippling anxiety which can last days or weeks

07-02-07, 22:50

I wouldnt put a time limit on it. Ive had days where ive felt anxious and they have lasted for a couple of days and ive had panic attacks that after about 20 minutes i thought i was coming out of it for them to start again. I dont think there is a time limit but think you do learn to distinguish between an anxious day and a panic attack, but so many times they have moulded theirselves together and i havent known which is panic or anxiety. In time i did and i totally feel for you as know how horrible it is.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

"Life is a distance and to travel that distance you were given the strength and guidance to do so".