View Full Version : panicking about MS

25-08-15, 10:55
For a while on and off I have a sensation in my left calf, which mainly gets started when I walk or move around. It's like sort of numbness, more like a heavy feeling, a bit like there's a lead weight in my left calf, and it feels a little numb (but I can still feel my fingers if I run my hands over the area) and sometimes when I walk quickly it gives me some pain in the calf. could this be MS? I'm worrying so much, I get a lot of headaches and sometimes feeling of mild numbness in my left hand/arm.
Going out of my mind here. Please help! :weep:

31-08-15, 18:55
Let's not leap to MS quite yet. :) Let's be positive and assume it's muscular, have you done anything to treat it from this perspective? If so, does it help?