View Full Version : Recovery, I hope ........ beginning to pick up

25-08-15, 15:55
just wanted to share with folks that I have been to USA and seen my new GranDaughter which was a real tonic.
My mood is so much better after a 3 week holiday where my son and daughter in law were really good hosts and I didnt have to explain myself to anyone for a while. I still have peaks of anxiety but things are going in the right direction.
Im still waiting for my Psychiatric appointment to confirm my diagnosis and ongoing meds but I feel that I can get to a good place.
Thanks for the support.
Apols that I havent been on here much whilst I have been in USA.


25-08-15, 18:29
From someone who has just started again descending into the abyss, I found your blog really amazing. I could totally connect with your experiences, symptoms etc. thank you. You made me feel a tad less abnormal and less isolated.

25-08-15, 22:51
you're very welcome.

one of the things that's resonating with me at the moment is 'how' we feel convinced of so much when we are in the depths or on the way down, yet as we when we recover we feel differently about things. Yet this evidence that we have got better before or that people in general do get better, we ignore this, we feel its all negative.

time will pass, things will hopefully change.

27-08-15, 00:44
I love when things go in that right direction. So happy you were able to complete this trip and feel good coming home, I'm celebrating with you! Keep these thoughts moving, and don't look back!
Thanks for sharing your blog, I am going to read it tonight!