View Full Version : Hi - question about weight loss

25-08-15, 18:33
Hi -

So, I will say that over the past 2 years (post-baby) I watch my calorie intake and I do exercise (run 2 - 3 times a week and I walk alot).

I'm 5'2 and weight 124 lbs. I've maintained between 123-127 for the last year (per my scale), but people have been saying "You're getting too skinny" to me over the last few weeks.

The numbers haven't fluctuated much (3 to 4 lbs), but now I am all panicky about "unexplained weight loss"..

I'm eating.. ok, maybe not as much as I should because I do stress out alot.

Should I attempt to gain weight? I thought this was a normal weight for my age and height .... and I feel fine.

25-08-15, 18:43
If you feel fine and are good with your weight and appearance, the heck with what other people say!

Positive thoughts

25-08-15, 19:05
Yes, I was... Still am..

I just get anxiety when people say things like "you're wasting away."

Not everyone KNOWS I have anxiety, so a comment like that sends me into a tizzy. Now, I am obsessing over the number on the scale, and wondering if it's going down because I am "sick" with something.

Meanwhile, I've been spending the last 2 years counting calories and working out... in my head I'm calling these 2 lbs i just lost "unexplained"


25-08-15, 19:16
Meanwhile, I've been spending the last 2 years counting calories and working out... in my head I'm calling these 2 lbs i just lost "unexplained"


Exactly... and let's be real... most people can lose a pound or two after a good poo! ~lol~

Positive thoughts

25-08-15, 19:30
thanks for making me laugh. it's been a bit of a rough month and I needed to smile.

i'm internalizing a lot of stress right now, which brings out these behaviors.

We were displaced for a month because our condo was flooded out by our upstairs neighbor. And now I am nervous because a neurologist is recommending my mom go for a Brain MRI to see why she hasn't been walking well.

my head is spinning and I feel like my whole life is veering out of control.

I'm already down to one parent since I am 19. I really do not want to lose another.