View Full Version : Constant worrying about health

07-02-07, 22:31
Hi, I am new to this forum. I have atrial fibrillation (a benigh heart arrythmia) and am in constant fear of it. I see a cardiologist every six month and my regular doctor also. All have reassured me not to worry, I am fine, nothing will happen. Needless to say, I am so nervous and shaky all the time, always worrying that I'm just going to keel over and die. I have three small children and can't enjoy doing anything for fear that there has to be something wrong with me. I feel spacey, dizzy, my legs feel like lead, I'm constantly having horrible thoughts. Any advice of how to cope with this and let it go. Thank you.

07-02-07, 22:55
Hi Shelly

I understand how you feel and how hard this is for you. The thoughts take over your life regarding your health and stop you enjoying the things so close to you. Mine wasnt health worries but the thought i was losing control and could hurt my daughter, but resulted in the same thought process.

Hun you will be fine and harsh as this might sound if you had a terminal illness you would be grasping life at its best to enjoy the time with your children.

Its anxiety that makes us think and feel irrational and cant see what we were blessed with.

You will get so much support and help on here and you are never alone.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

"Life is a distance and to travel that distance you were given the strength and guidance to do so".

07-02-07, 23:30
Hi Shelley,

I can really sympathise with how you're feeling. I was told I had scarring over my brain (following a recall from a CT scan for something entirely different!) about 10 years ago and I had to have MRI scans every year and see a neurologist evey year (did that for about 4 years). Anyway, I absolutely freaked out inside and I know now that this was a MAJOR factor in my health anxiety that I have still.

I used to wake up in the night thinking I was going blind, going to be paralysed, had numb feelings etc etc and was utterly convinced I would die at any time and had very severe panick attacks and anxiety all the time. The worst bit was that the consultant wasn't reassuring at all and just left me feeling terrified!!

Anyway, it took months and months before I started to calm down - mostly because nothing terrible had actually happened to me! To cut a very long story short(ish!) - I don't have to have scans every year anymore, because there was never any change and I didn't show any signs of anything (good job really cos the whole thing has left me with a bit of a phobia about MRI scans!!:()

I now just try and get on with life, but the worry about my brain still 'gets' me now and then - especially if I'm going through an particularly anxious time.

I also have problems with arrythmia, so I know how distressing those feelings can be. Hopefully, in time, you'll be able to live your life more fully again without the constant fear - I'll bet you'll see that diminish over time, simply because you're still here!!

I wish I'd had access to something like this site 10 years ago, and I'm sure you'll find it enormous reassurance!

Stay positive!!
