View Full Version : Worried about going back to work

26-08-15, 06:55
I am due to return to work on Monday after 2 months being signed off with anxiety issues.

At that time I was frightened of leaving the house as I was constantly in fear of having a panic attack, I wasn't eating as it flared up my IBS and I found night time was the worst as I lay awake worrying about how I was going to get myself back to normal. I was constantly in tears and as I have 2 young children I found it hard to be positive around them and often was snappy and irritable with them. I went to see my GP who prescribed me propranolol, I had a few sessions with a hypnotherapist and along with a friend I started going to yoga to try and control my anxious behaviour and eventually with the support of my friends and family I started to go out and about again and felt like slowly but surely I was getting my life back on track.

Unfortunately this past week the anxiety has crept back into my life, I am feeling constantly agitated and unable to eat or sleep. I know it is related to the thought of going back to work in a few days time and I worry I am not going to be able to get on that train on Monday morning and I will let myself and my family and my work down! I can't put my finger on what exactly is worrying me and I am angry at myself for allowing the anxiety to ruin my last few days off with my kids before I return to work. I felt that the last few weeks have been so positive but now I feel like I am back to square one again. I really want to be back at work again and get that normal routine back in my life and I hope my anxiety won't spoil that.

26-08-15, 13:48
I think it is normal to have anticipatory anxiety in this period before you return. Of course, to you, it will be associated with the anxious episode you had and you'll get worries that it's back. But maybe it's just the anticipatory anybody would get at this time before returning to work.

I'd try and get through this week and see the reality of returning to work. That can often be when you have really positive breakthroughs as you see the reality and realise you see the positives in returning and are so glad that you did.

I suffer a lot with anticipatory anxiety so I know how hard this week would be for you but if you can throw yourself into a book, maybe get out and about a bit, it'll be here in no time and you can get over this difficult period.

26-08-15, 13:55
I also suffer from anticipatory anxiety and had 3 months of work with sever anxiety related issues.I am not going to lie that going back to work was very difficult but once you are into it things get easier.Anxiety needs distraction, work can do this for you and its far better than sitting at home mulling things over and over
Good luck and let us know how you get on

26-08-15, 17:51
Try to think about the positives of being at work - what you enjoy and why you want to go back. Think of things you can do to have fun with the children at weekends.

Fill your mind with the positives and refuse to listen to the negatives. Good luck!